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Possible to integrate Google AppEngine and Google Code for continuous integration?


People also ask

Which Google Cloud tools can be used to build continuous integration pipeline?

Google Cloud CI/CD provides various tools for continuous integration and deployment and integrates seamlessly with third-party solutions. Google Cloud Build and Google Cloud Run are two Google Cloud services that use pipelines to automate builds and deployments.

Which GCP service can be used for continuous build?

GitOps-style continuous delivery with Cloud Build Create a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline on Google Cloud Platform using Cloud Build, our hosted product suite, and the popular GitOps methodology.

What does Google use for CI?

Use your favorite tools Use Google Cloud's CI tools with existing CI services like Jenkins, GitLab, and TeamCity to reduce administrative overhead, speed up complex builds, and improve security.

Anyone have any thoughts on how/if it is possible to integrate Google Code commits to cause a Google AppEngine deployment of the most recent code?

I have a simple Google AppEngine project's source hosted on Google Code and would love if everytime I committed to Subversion, that AppEngine would reflect the latest commit. I don't mind if things are broken on the live site since the project is for personal use mainly and for learning.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to tie into the subversion commit for the Code repository and/or how to kickoff the deployment to AppEngine? Ideally the solution would not require anything manual from me nor any type of server/listener software on my machine.