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possible to disable $locationProvider and $routeProvider?

Can I disable these fellas? I am using angular.js in asp.net mvc app, and I don't need angular to control anything related to address bar or the links...

Right now in html5 mode disabled ($locationProvider.html5Mode(false)) it adds hash and action method's name to the address-bar, for example: you go to \Home\index, it navigates and then address bar text changes into Home\index#\index. ain't that's annoying?

if I enable html5 mode it stops loading pages at all (except the initial). I try going from initialy loaded page to another - it changes the address-bar's text (without adding hashtag thing this time) but won't load the page itself. ain't that frustrating?

like image 549
iLemming Avatar asked Jun 12 '13 22:06


1 Answers

A makeshift solution exists here AngularJS 1.1.5 - automatically adding hash tag to URLs

The answer explains the first step (as explained above, with the addition of the new hash-prefix)

yourApp.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider){

The first bit handles Angular interfering with your address-bar visually, but now clicking on any links doesn't function properly as (read: history.pushState)

So, the workaround, as pointed out by user @Kevin Beal is some variation of setting the target of the <a> to _self


or on a case-by-case basis:

<a href="foo" target="_self">Foo</a>
<a href="http://some.external/bar" target="_blank">Bar</a>

Although, for the sake of convenience and sanity, I think it's combination of these.

Markup sans target

<a href="foo">Foo</a>
<a href="http://some.external/bar">Bar</a>


// If `http` protocol present, assume external link

// Otherwise, assume internal link

Worth noting that the above selectors do required jQuery proper.

like image 64
couzzi Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10
