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Possible approach to secure a Rest API endpoints using Facebook OAuth


I've been reading a lot about the topic but all I find are obsolete or partial answers, which don't really help me that much and actually just confused me more. I'm writing a Rest API (Node+Express+MongoDB) that is accessed by a web app (hosted on the same domain than the API) and an Android app.

I want the API to be accessed only by my applications and only by authorized users. I also want the users to be able to signup and login only using their Facebook account, and I need to be able to access some basic info like name, profile pic and email.

A possible scenario that I have in mind is:

  1. The user logs-in on the web app using Facebook, the app is granted permission to access the user Facebook information and receives an access token.
  2. The web app asks the API to confirm that this user is actually registered on our system, sending the email and the token received by Facebook.
  3. The API verifies that the user exists, it stores into the DB (or Redis) the username, the token and a timestamp and then goes back to the client app.
  4. Each time the client app hits one of the API endpoint, it will have to provide the username and the token, other than other info.
  5. The API each time verifies that the provided pair username/token matches the most recent pair username/token stored into the DB (using the timestamp to order), and that no more than 1 hour has passed since we stored these info (again using the timestamp). If that's the case, the API will process the request, otherwise will issue a 401 Unauthorized response.

Does this make sense? Does this approach have any macroscopic security hole that I'm missing? One problem I see using MongoDB to store these info is that the collection will quickly become bloated with old tokens. In this sense I think it would be best to use Redis with an expire policy of 1 hour so that old info will be automatically removed by Redis.

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s0nica Avatar asked Mar 24 '13 19:03


People also ask

What is the best way to secure REST API?

Use HTTPS/TLS for REST APIs HTTPS and Transport Layer Security (TLS) offer a secured protocol to transfer encrypted data between web browsers and servers. Apart from other forms of information, HTTPS also helps to protect authentication credentials in transit.

How do I use OAuth on Facebook?

Under Products in the App Dashboard's left side navigation menu, click Facebook Login, then click Settings. Verify the Valid OAuth redirect URIs in the Client OAuth Settings section. state . A string value created by your app to maintain state between the request and callback.

What is OAuth authentication on Facebook?

In case you're wondering what OAuth2 is, it's the protocol that enables anyone to log in with their Facebook account. It powers the “Log in with Facebook” button in apps and on websites everywhere. This article shows you how “Log in with Facebook” works and explains the protocol behind it all.

1 Answers

I think the better solution would be this:

  1. Login via Facebook
  2. Pass the Facebook AccessToken to the server (over SSL for the android app, and for the web app just have it redirect to an API endpoint after FB login)
  3. Check the fb_access_token given, make sure its valid. Get user_id,email and cross-reference this with existing users to see if its a new or old one.
  4. Now, create a random, separate api_access_token that you give back to the webapp and android app. If you need Facebook for anything other than login, store that fb_access_token and in your DB associate it with the new api_access_token and your user_id.
  5. For every call hereafter, send api_access_token to authenticate it. If you need the fb_access_token for getting more info, you can do so by retrieving it from the DB.

In summary: Whenever you can, avoid passing the fb_access_token. If the api_access_token is compromised, you have more control to see who the attacker is, what they're doing etc than if they were to get ahold of the fb_access_token. You also have more control over settings an expiration date, extending fb_access_tokens, etc

Just make sure whenever you pass a access_token of any sort via HTTP, use SSL.

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Tommy Crush Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Tommy Crush