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Pose from Fundamental matrix and vice versa

I have computed the Fundamental Matrix between two cameras using opencv's findFundamentalMat. Then I plot the epipolar lines in the image. And I get something like:

Epipolar lines ok Now, I tried to get the pose from that fundamental matrix, computing first the essential matrix and then using Hartley & Zissserman approach.



w,u,vt = cv2.SVDecomp(np.mat(E))   
if np.linalg.det(u) < 0:
    u *= -1.0
if np.linalg.det(vt) < 0:
    vt *= -1.0 
#Find R and T from Hartley & Zisserman
R = np.mat(u) * W * np.mat(vt)
t = u[:,2] #u3 normalized.

In order to check everything until here was correct, I recompute E and F and plot the epipolar lines again.


But surprise, the lines have moved and they don't go through the points anymore. Have I done something wrong?

epilines bad

It might be related with this question http://answers.opencv.org/question/18565/pose-estimation-produces-wrong-translation-vector/, but they didn't provide a solution

The matrices I get are:

Original F=[[ -1.62627683e-07  -1.38840952e-05   8.03246936e-03]
 [  5.83844799e-06  -1.37528349e-06  -3.26617731e-03]
 [ -1.15902181e-02   1.23440336e-02   1.00000000e+00]]

E=[[-0.09648757 -8.23748182 -0.6192747 ]
 [ 3.46397143 -0.81596046  0.29628779]
 [-6.32856235 -0.03006961 -0.65380443]]

R=[[  9.99558381e-01  -2.72074658e-02   1.19497464e-02]
  [  3.50795548e-04   4.12906861e-01   9.10773189e-01]
  [ -2.97139627e-02  -9.10366782e-01   4.12734058e-01]]


Recomputed E=
[[-0.0261145  -0.99284189 -0.07613091]
 [ 0.47646462 -0.09337537  0.04214901]
 [-0.87284976 -0.01267909 -0.09080531]]

Recomputed F=
[[ -4.40154169e-08  -1.67341327e-06   9.85070691e-04]
 [  8.03070680e-07  -1.57382143e-07  -4.67389530e-04]
 [ -1.57927152e-03   1.47100268e-03   2.56606003e-01]]
like image 257
Josep Bosch Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 08:11

Josep Bosch

1 Answers

The first F is defined up to scale, hence if you're going to compare the returned F and with the F matrix computed from E you need to normalize them to make sure both are at the same scale. Hence you need to normalize the second computed F.

like image 81
Armin Mustafa Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Armin Mustafa