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Porting pickle py2 to py3 strings become bytes

I have a pickle file that was created with python 2.7 that I'm trying to port to python 3.6. The file is saved in py 2.7 via pickle.dumps(self.saved_objects, -1)

and loaded in python 3.6 via loads(data, encoding="bytes") (from a file opened in rb mode). If I try opening in r mode and pass encoding=latin1 to loads I get UnicodeDecode errors. When I open it as a byte stream it loads, but literally every string is now a byte string. Every object's __dict__ keys are all b"a_variable_name" which then generates attribute errors when calling an_object.a_variable_name because __getattr__ passes a string and __dict__ only contains bytes. I feel like I've tried every combination of arguments and pickle protocols already. Apart from forcibly converting all objects' __dict__ keys to strings I'm at a loss. Any ideas?

** Skip to 4/28/17 update for better example


** Update 4/27/17

This minimum example illustrates my problem:

From py 2.7.13

import pickle

class test(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = u"test ¢" # including a unicode str breaks things

t = test()
dumpstr = pickle.dumps(t)

>>> dumpstr
"ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np0\n(c__main__\ntest\np1\nc__builtin__\nobject\np2\nNtp3\nRp4\n(dp5\nS'x'\np6\nVtest \xa2\np7\nsb."

From py 3.6.1

import pickle

class test(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = "xyz"

dumpstr = b"ccopy_reg\n_reconstructor\np0\n(c__main__\ntest\np1\nc__builtin__\nobject\np2\nNtp3\nRp4\n(dp5\nS'x'\np6\nVtest \xa2\np7\nsb."

t = pickle.loads(dumpstr, encoding="bytes")

>>> t
<__main__.test object at 0x040E3DF0>
>>> t.x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#15>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'test' object has no attribute 'x'
>>> t.__dict__
{b'x': 'test ¢'} 


Update 4/28/17

To re-create my issue I'm posting my actual raw pickle data here

The pickle file was created in python 2.7.13, windows 10 using

with open("raw_data.pkl", "wb") as fileobj:
    pickle.dump(library, fileobj, protocol=0)

(protocol 0 so it's human readable)

To run it you'll need classes.py

# classes.py

class Library(object): pass

class Book(object): pass

class Student(object): pass

class RentalDetails(object): pass

And the test script here:

# load_pickle.py
import pickle, sys, itertools, os

raw_pkl = "raw_data.pkl"
is_py3 = sys.version_info.major == 3

read_modes = ["rb"]
encodings = ["bytes", "utf-8", "latin-1"]
fix_imports_choices = [True, False]
files = ["raw_data_%s.pkl" % x for x in range(3)]

def py2_test():
    with open(raw_pkl, "rb") as fileobj:
        loaded_object = pickle.load(fileobj)
        print("library dict: %s" % (loaded_object.__dict__.keys()))
        return loaded_object

def py2_dumps():
    library = py2_test()
    for protcol, path in enumerate(files):
        print("dumping library to %s, protocol=%s" % (path, protcol))
        with open(path, "wb") as writeobj:
            pickle.dump(library, writeobj, protocol=protcol)

def py3_test():
    # this test iterates over the different options trying to load
    # the data pickled with py2 into a py3 environment
    print("starting py3 test")
    for (read_mode, encoding, fix_import, path) in itertools.product(read_modes, encodings, fix_imports_choices, files):
        py3_load(path, read_mode=read_mode, fix_imports=fix_import, encoding=encoding)

def py3_load(path, read_mode, fix_imports, encoding):
    from traceback import print_exc
    print("-" * 50)
    print("path=%s, read_mode = %s fix_imports = %s, encoding = %s" % (path, read_mode, fix_imports, encoding))
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        print("start this file with py2 first")
        with open(path, read_mode) as fileobj:
            loaded_object = pickle.load(fileobj, fix_imports=fix_imports, encoding=encoding)
            # print the object's __dict__
            print("library dict: %s" % (loaded_object.__dict__.keys()))
            # consider the test a failure if any member attributes are saved as bytes
            test_passed = not any((isinstance(k, bytes) for k in loaded_object.__dict__.keys()))
            print("Test %s" % ("Passed!" if test_passed else "Failed"))
    except Exception:
        print("Test Failed")
    input("Press Enter to continue...")
    print("-" * 50)

if is_py3:
    # py2_test()

put all 3 in the same directory and run c:\python27\python load_pickle.py first which will create 1 pickle file for each of the 3 protocols. Then run the same command with python 3 and notice that it version converts the __dict__ keys to bytes. I had it working for about 6 hours, but for the life of me I can't figure out how I broke it again.

like image 947
user2682863 Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 03:04


1 Answers

In short, you're hitting bug 22005 with datetime.date objects in the RentalDetails objects.

That can be worked around with the encoding='bytes' parameter, but that leaves your classes with __dict__ containing bytes:

>>> library = pickle.loads(pickle_data, encoding='bytes')
>>> dir(library)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'bytes'

It's possible to manually fix that based on your specific data:

def fix_object(obj):
    """Decode obj.__dict__ containing bytes keys"""
    obj.__dict__ = dict((k.decode("ascii"), v) for k, v in obj.__dict__.items())

def fix_library(library):
    """Walk all library objects and decode __dict__ keys"""
    for student in library.students:
    for book in library.books:
            for rental in book.rentals:

But that's fragile and enough of a pain you should be looking for a better option.

1) Implement __getstate__/__setstate__ that maps datetime objects to a non-broken representation, for instance:

class Event(object):
    """Example class working around datetime pickling bug"""

    def __init__(self):
            self.date = datetime.date.today()

    def __getstate__(self):
            state = self.__dict__.copy()
            state["date"] = state["date"].toordinal()
            return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
            self.date = datetime.date.fromordinal(self.date)

2) Don't use pickle at all. Along the lines of __getstate__/__setstate__, you can just implement to_dict/from_dict methods or similar in your classes for saving their content as json or some other plain format.

A final note, having a backreference to library in each object shouldn't be required.

like image 161
gz. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
