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Porting C code to C++, problem with casting void* from malloc to desired pointer

I am currently porting some C code I wrote to C++ for fun. I am struggling with a malloc() call I make in C, with h and w being constants for simplicity reasons, but later exchanged with runtime constants:

double (*g2)[h][w] = malloc(h * w * sizeof(double));

In C, this is an implicit conversion of a void*, and this of course doesn't fly with C++.

I already tried casting this with reinterpret_cast<double[h][w]>, but this is still an invalid cast.

I was wondering, how can I make this work in C++ since this would save me a lot of work?

As an alternative I'll probably use a matrix class with indirection:

struct Matrix : std::vector<double> {
    unsigned matSize;
    std::vector<double*> indirection;
    Matrix() : matSize(0) {}
    Matrix(unsigned n) : matSize(n) {
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            indirection[i] = &(*this)[i*n];
    double& operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j) {
        return indirection[i][j];
    const double& operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j) const {
        return indirection[i][j];
like image 518
Philipp-P Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 18:12


1 Answers

Porting involves more than just making it work, line by line, so:


double (*g2)[h][w] = malloc(h * w * sizeof(double));
g2[y][x] = ...;


std::vector<double> g2(h*w);
g2[y+x*h] = ...; // or
g2[y*w+x] = ...;

Using that syntax is inconvenient for accessing elements so you might want to wrap it inside a simple class. Example:

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>

class arr2d {
    arr2d(size_t h, size_t w) : data_(h * w), w_(w) {}

    inline double& operator()(size_t y, size_t x) { 
        return data_[y * w_ + x];
    inline double operator()(size_t y, size_t x) const {
        return data_[y * w_ + x];

    // getting pointer to a row
    inline double* operator[](size_t y) {
        return &data_[y * w_];
    inline double const* operator[](size_t y) const {
        return &data_[y * w_];

    inline size_t width() const { return w_; }

    std::vector<double> data_;
    size_t w_;

int main() {
    arr2d g2(3, 4);

    g2(2, 3) = 3.14159;
    // alternative access:
    g2[1][2] = 1.23456;

    std::cout << g2[2][3] << "\n";

    double* row = g2[2];
    std::copy(row, row + g2.width(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, ", "));
    std::cout << "\n";


0, 0, 0, 3.14159,

A non-initializing version could look like:

class arr2d {
    arr2d(size_t h, size_t w) : data_(new double[w * h]), w_(w) {}

    inline double& operator()(size_t y, size_t x) { return data_[y * w_ + x]; }
    inline double operator()(size_t y, size_t x) const { return data_[y * w_ + x]; }

    inline double* operator[](size_t y) { return &data_[y * w_]; }
    inline double const* operator[](size_t y) const { return &data_[y * w_]; }

    inline size_t width() const { return w_; }

    std::unique_ptr<double[]> data_;
    size_t w_;

But note that the
std::copy(row, row + g2.width(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, ", "));
from the first example would lead to undefined behaviour.

Also note that this version will delete the copy constructor and copy assignment operator. You'll have to implement them yourself if you need them.

The creation time for the non-initializing version is of course hard to beat with any initializing version, but for access times, one might think that a lookup table, or indirection as you call it, for the rows would speed up things compared to doing the multiplication and addition in one go.

My results:
8x8 http://quick-bench.com/f8zcnU9P8oKwMUwLRXYKZnLtcLM
1024x1024 http://quick-bench.com/0B2rQeUkl-WoqGeG-iS1hdP4ah8
4096x4096 http://quick-bench.com/c_pGFmB2C9_B3r3aRl7cDK6BlxU

It seems to vary. The lookup version is faster for the 4096x4096 matrix but the naive version is faster for the two smaller ones. You need to compare using sizes close to what you'll be using and also check with different compilers. I sometimes get completely opposite "winners" when changing compiler.

Since you don't mind inheriting from std::vector or keeping extra data for a lookup-table, this could be an option. It seems to outperform the other versions slightly.

class arr2d : protected std::vector<double*> {
    using std::vector<double*>::operator[]; // "row" accessor from base class

    arr2d(size_t h, size_t w) :
        data_(new double[w * h]), 
        for(size_t y = 0; y < h; ++y)
            (*this)[y] = &data_[y * w];

    inline size_t width() const { return w_; }
    inline size_t height() const { return h_; }

    std::unique_ptr<double[]> data_;
    size_t w_, h_;

Here are Philipp-P's (OP:s) own measurements for the different 2D-array implementations:

8x8 http://quick-bench.com/vMS6a9F_KrUf97acWltjV5CFhLY
1024x1024 http://quick-bench.com/A8a2UKyHaiGMCrf3uranwOCwmkA
4096x4096 http://quick-bench.com/XmYQc0kAUWU23V3Go0Lucioi_Rg

Results for 5-point stencil code for the same versions:
8x8 http://quick-bench.com/in_ZQTbbhur0I4mu-NIquT4c0ew
1024x1024 http://quick-bench.com/tULLumHZeCmC0HUSfED2K4nEGG8
4096x4096 http://quick-bench.com/_MRNRZ03Favx91-5IXnxGNpRNwQ

like image 147
Ted Lyngmo Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 18:04

Ted Lyngmo