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portable zip library for C/C++ (not an application) [closed]




Take a look at Libarchive. I spent a lot of time seeking for a cross-platform and LGPL licensed library with convenient interface. This the best of all I've seen. Very easy and powerful tool. Originally designed for Unix-like systems but there's also the Windows version.

I've had great results with miniz: https://code.google.com/p/miniz/

For a simple compression of strings in c++, I also really like Timo Bingmann's solution.

I'd recommend ZipLib https://bitbucket.org/wbenny/ziplib/wiki/Home

Personal reasons why I love this project:

  • built around c++11 stl streams (ex. decompresses into stl streams!)
  • lightweight (no dependencies other than zlib)
  • can be used on both windows & liunx

It took me a long time to find this project - hope this helps someone.

We've used zlib a couple times here. It's a fairly standard library that has implementations in most main languages.