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Port 8000 vs Port 8080



I'm currently working my way through several basic web server examples with both .NET and also Python. Most examples seem to use 8000 or 8080 as test ports. Can anybody clarify the difference between these? Does it matter? Please advise.

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cdahms Avatar asked Jul 05 '16 17:07


People also ask

What is the port 8000 used for?

TCP Port 8000 is commonly used for development environments of web server software. It generally should not be exposed directly to the Internet. If you are running software like this on the Internet, you should consider placing it behind a reverse proxy.

What is the 8080 port?

Port number 8080 is usually used for web servers. When a port number is added to the end of the domain name, it drives traffic to the web server. However, users can not reserve port 8080 for secondary web servers.

Is port 80 and port 8080 the same?

Port 80 is the default port. It's what gets used when no port is specified. 8080 is Tomcat's default port so as not to interfere with any other web server that may be running. If you are going to run Tomcat as your web server, the port can be changed to 80 so that visitors do not need to specify it.

What is the alternative port for 8080?

GRC | Port Authority, for Internet Port 8080. Description: This port is a popular alternative to port 80 for offering web services. "8080" was chosen since it is "two 80's", and also because it is above the restricted well known service port range (ports 1-1023, see below).

1 Answers

It doesn't matter. In fact, 8080 is often used as a default http port for software providing http services that is not a core http Server (e.g. Apache http Server). So after a while this port is sometimes taken from software that runs on the system in a background. 8000 it seems is just another port being used by the .NET domain. Ports below 1024 need system user permission like root or something. That is why ports in the thousands are used for software running as a normal user.

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Aviator Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
