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popup for full calendar in jquery

I need to show a popup (balloon popup as in google calendar) while creating an event in the jquery full calendar.

Any best plugins for the popup which shows as balloon and also which handles the click events (which I am using to create/edit/delete events from popup)?

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Prasad Avatar asked Jan 22 '23 20:01


1 Answers

I've used QTip with fullCalendar and it's working great!

    eventRender: function(event, element, view)
        element.qtip({ content: "My Event: " + event.title });

Just make sure you're defining your qtip in fullCalendar's eventRender event. :)

The only issue I've noticed (w/ JQuery 1.3) is that when the qtip popup fades-in, it starts its fade-in behind fullCalendar's styled grid. After that first ~few frames, it's fine. Also, this could very well be a problem with some other stuff I have going on in my project. I'm too lazy to debug it further so your mileage may vary. ;p

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duskstriker Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 14:01
