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Populating array of ObjectId's in Mongoose



My document contains a field called clients that is supposed to contain an array of client id's.

  "email":"[email protected]",

My data is coming in as JSON, and I directly send it to Mongo to create a document. For some reason, clients is not being populated when I create, so I have to manually enter them in as strings.

My schema is fairly simple, and defined as:

var userSchema = new Schema({
    first_name: {
        type: String,
        trim: true
    last_name: {
        type: String,
        trim: true
    email: {
        type: String,
        trim: true,
        lowercase: true,
        index: true,
        unique: true,
        required: true
    password: String,
    clients: [Schema.Types.ObjectId]

From my understanding, I've defined clients correctly. But I cannot get the clients array to populate when I am doing the create. Event the raw object that gets passed to mongo looks good.

    first_name: 'Zack',
    last_name: 'S',
    email: '[email protected]',
    password: 'test',
    clients: [

Is there something special that I have to do to my input so that it's casted correctly?

like image 919
Nick Parsons Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 19:01

Nick Parsons

2 Answers

Simple fix. Checking if the incoming array is populated. If so, I loop through each and push a converted ObjectId version into the array. Apparently mongoose.Types.ObjectId('STRING'); is able to convert a general string to a valid mongoose id.

// if clients was passed with associated client ids
if (data.clients.length > 0) {

    _.map(data.clients, function(cid) {

        // push client id (converted from string to mongo object id) into clients



Hope this helps someone else.

like image 133
Nick Parsons Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Nick Parsons

The accepted answer may be outdated...

If you're going to update this collection, I would recommend using a $push update. This method of updating is designed to avoid performing updates when all you're doing is appending to an array in the collection.


like image 28
Michael Leanos Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Michael Leanos