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Populate a list in Kotlin with a for loop

It's been a while that I just started to learn how to develop in Kotlin. There is this thing that I am working on, I am trying to parse a list into another type of list. Basically they are the same thing but with different names. But when I try to populate the new list with the data that I get from the list given as parameter in the function the list only gets populated with the first object.

Here is my function:

fun convertRoomClass(course: List<Course>) : List<Courses> {

    lateinit var list : List<Courses>

    course.forEach {
        val id = it.pathID
        val name = it.pathName
        val desc = it.pathDescription

        val crs : Courses = Courses(id, name!!, desc!!)

         list = listOf(crs)

    return list
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Jona Avatar asked Jan 18 '19 10:01


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len – 1, where ‘len’ is the length of the list. We can retrieve the first and the last elements of the list without using the get () method. It is process of accessing the elements of list one by one. There are several ways of doing this in Kotlin. The for loop traverses the list.

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2 Answers

The error in your code is that you are making a list in every iteration of the loop. You should make the list first and then add every item from the loop to it!

fun convertRoomClass(courses: List<Course>) : List<AnotherCourseClass> {
    val newList = mutableListOf<AnotherCourseClass>()
    courses.forEach {
        newList += AnotherCourseClass(it.pathID, it.pathName, it.pathDescription)
    return newList

A better solution is to use the map function

fun convertRoomClass(courses: List<Course>) = courses.map {
   AnotherCourseClass(it.pathID, it. pathName, it.pathDescription)
like image 55
Ahmed Hegazy Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Ahmed Hegazy

You might be looking for Kotlin Map


course.map { Courses(it.pathID, it.pathName,it.pathDescription) }
like image 24
Milind Mevada Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Milind Mevada