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Populate a column based on previous value and row Pyspark

I have a spark dataframe with 5 columns group, date, a, b, and c and I want to do the following:

given df

group    date      a    b      c
  a     2018-01    2    3     10
  a     2018-02    4    5     null
  a     2018-03    2    1     null

expected output

group    date      a    b      c
  a     2018-01    2    3     10
  a     2018-02    4    5     10*3+2=32
  a     2018-03    2    1     32*5+4=164

for each group, calculate c by b * c + a and use the output as the c of the next row.

I tried using Lag and window function but couldn't find the right way for this.

like image 210
Ben Bar Ami Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 11:03

Ben Bar Ami

1 Answers

Within a window you cannot access results of a column that you are currently about to calculate. This would force Spark to do the calculations sequentially and should be avoided. Another approach is to transform the recursive calculation c_n = func(c_(n-1)) into a formula that only uses the (constant) values of a, b and the first value of c:


All input values for this formula can be collected with a window and the formula itself is implemented as udf:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import types as T
from pyspark.sql import Window

df = ...
df1 = df.withColumn("la", F.collect_list("a").over(w)) \
  .withColumn("lb", F.collect_list("b").over(w)) \
  .withColumn("c0", F.first("c").over(w))

import numpy as np

def calc_c(c0, a, b):
  if c0 is None:
    return 0.0
  if len(a) == 1:
    return float(c0)
  e1 = c0 * np.prod(b[:-1])
  e2 = 0.0
  for i,an in enumerate(a[:-1]):
    e2 = e2 + an * np.prod(b[i+1:-1])
  return float(e1 + e2)

calc_c_udf= F.udf(calc_c, T.DoubleType())

df1.withColumn("result", calc_c_udf("c0", "la", "lb")) \


|group|   date|  a|  b|   c|       la|       lb| c0|result|
|    a|2018-01|  2|  3|  10|      [2]|      [3]| 10|  10.0|
|    a|2018-02|  4|  5|null|   [2, 4]|   [3, 5]| 10|  32.0|
|    a|2018-03|  2|  1|null|[2, 4, 2]|[3, 5, 1]| 10| 164.0|
like image 64
werner Avatar answered May 01 '23 03:05
