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Populate 1 form field based on another

Is there an easy way to populate one form field with duplicate content from another form field?

Maybe using jQuery or javascript?

like image 684
Jackson Avatar asked Jan 05 '10 05:01


1 Answers

You just have to assign the field values:

// plain JavaScript
var first = document.getElementById('firstFieldId'),
    second = document.getElementById('secondFieldId');

second.value = first.value;

// Using jQuery

And if you want to update the content of the second field live, you could use the change or keyup events to update the second field:

first.onkeyup = function () { // or first.onchange
  second.value = first.value;

With jQuery:

$('#firstFieldId').keyup(function () {

Check a simple example here.

like image 85
Christian C. Salvadó Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 16:10

Christian C. Salvadó