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Popover does not get anchored to the triggering element

So my Twitter Bootstrap popovers seem to be positionally challenged when the triggering element is contained within an element with the style -ms-overflow-y: auto; (a scrollable element within the window).

When the element is scrolled, the popover does not scroll with it.

I would really like the popover to move with the content within this scrollable element. How can I achieve this?

popover code:

            animation: false,
            html: true,
            placement: popover.placement || 'auto bottom',
            title: popover.title,
            content: popover.validationMessage + popover.content,
            trigger: 'manual',
            container: '.content-panel'
}).click(function (e) {
                $('BUTTON[data-toggle="popover"]').each(function (index, element) { $(this).popover('hide'); });
                $('#' + $(this).attr('data-for')).focus();

.content-panel is the scrollable element.

fiddle me this, Batman



I would like the popover to continue floating overtop the other elements. When using position:relative; on the parent element it contains the popover instead of letting it float over top.


I don't like this


I do like this

like image 431
Sam Axe Avatar asked Mar 24 '14 09:03

Sam Axe

1 Answers

Parent element (offsetParent) of popover need to not be static, you could postionned it relatively to document:

position: relative;

See jsFiddle

EDIT: for your use case, you could bind onscroll event of container and use following snippet:

SEE jsFiddle

$(function () {
    $('div').on('scroll', function () {
        var $container = $(this);
        $(this).find('.popover').each(function () {
                top:  - $container.scrollTop()
like image 170
A. Wolff Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

A. Wolff