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pop_back() return value?




Why doesn't pop_back() have a return value? I have Googled regarding this and found out that it makes it more efficient. Is this the only reason for making it so in the standard?

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Parvinder Singh Avatar asked Sep 26 '12 11:09

Parvinder Singh

People also ask

Does Pop_back return value?

+1 this is the correct answer. It tells us the underlying principle which led to this design of pop_back with no return value.

What does Pop_back function do in C++?

pop_back() is used to remove/pop the element from the back or the last of the list container. When we use pop_back then it remove/pops the last element and the element before the last element becomes the last element and the size of the list container is reduced by 1.

What does vector Pop_back do?

vector::pop_back()() pop_back() function is used to pop or remove elements from a vector from the back. The value is removed from the vector from the end, and the container size is decreased by 1.

Does Pop_back reduce size?

No. pop_back() will not shrink the capacity of vector.

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2 Answers

Efficiency has little (or nothing, really) to do with it.

This design is the outcome of an important paper by Tom Cargill, published in the 90s, that raised quite a few eyebrows back then. IIRC, in it Cargill showed that it is impossible to design an exception safe stack pop function.

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sbi Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09


I think there is something related to the fact that copying an instance of the last object could throw an exception. When doing so, you're losing your object, since pop_back() did remove it from your container. Better with a few lines of code:

std::vector<AnyClass> holds = {...} ; try {   const AnyClass result = holds.pop_back(); // The copy Ctor throw here! } catch (...) {   // Last value lost here.  } 
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yves Baumes Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

yves Baumes