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Poor mans T-SQL formatting add-in "Format T-SQL Code" option disabled in SQL Server Management Studio v18.5



Refer to the following screenshot:

enter image description here

In the previous versions of SQL Server Management Studio, it was working perfectly. I am using Windows 10 on a desktop PC.

Appreciate any help for this :)

like image 945
Hardipsinh Jadeja Avatar asked Aug 08 '20 09:08

Hardipsinh Jadeja

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1 Answers

For the versions of the plugin that supports SMSS 2014-2018, PoorMan's T-SQL Formatter requires the Visual Studio 2015 Isolated Shell installed in order to work. It can be downloaded from here. After installing it, the option will be made available.

The formatter is now enabled.

like image 137
Jesús Hagiwara Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Jesús Hagiwara