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Pomodoro Timer: Variable value goes to 'NaN'

I'm trying to build a Pomodoro clock like http://codepen.io/GeoffStorbeck/full/RPbGxZ/. The value of seconds goes to NaN randomly and then returns to normal after starting 'break'.

$('#circle a').click(function() {
  var timer = $('.time > span').html();
  timer = timer.split(':'); 
  var minutes = timer[0];    //Value of minutes
  var seconds = timer[1];    //Value of seconds

  var settimer = setInterval(function() {
    seconds -= 1;
    if (seconds < 0 && minutes != 0) {
      minutes -= 1;
      minutes = String(minutes);
      seconds = 59;
    } else if (seconds < 10 && seconds.length != 2)
      seconds = '0' + seconds; 
    if (minutes < 10 && minutes.length < 2) 
      minutes = '0' + minutes;

    $('.time > span').html(minutes + ':' + seconds);

    //Start break when session is completed
    if (minutes == 0 && seconds == 0) {
      var time = $('#break').find('span').text();
      $('.time > span').html('0' + time + ':00');
      $('#circle a').trigger("click");  //Start timer for break
  }, 1000);

Here's the link to the codepen http://codepen.io/ibrahimjarif/pen/wMKJWN

How do I fix the NaN issue? And is there any better way to implement this?

like image 425
Ibrahim Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 23:11


1 Answers

The code $('#circle a').trigger("click"); //Start timer for break recursively calls the function that was executing originally. This call starts a new timer while the original one was in progress.

The seconds value for the original timer went to NaN when the new timer was executing. There were two values for second due to two timers. The value of seconds in the original timer caused the unexplained appearance of NaN.

NOTE: Both the timers were running simultaneously all the time.

The simplest fix was to stop the current timer before starting a new one.

Here's the updated code

 $('#circle a').click(function() {
  var timer = $('.time > span').html().split(':');;
  var minutes = Number(timer[0]),
    seconds = Number(timer[1]);

  var settimer = setInterval(function() {
    seconds -= 1;
    if (seconds < 0 && minutes != 0) {
      minutes -= 1;
      seconds = 59;
    } else if (seconds < 10 && seconds.length != 2)
      seconds = '0' + seconds;
    if (minutes < 10 && minutes.toString().length < 2)
      minutes = '0' + minutes;

    $('.time > span').html(minutes + ':' + seconds);

    if (minutes == 0 && seconds == 0) {
      clearInterval(settimer);    //Stop the current timer
      var upper_text = $('.upper').find('h1');
      var time;
      if (upper_text.text() == 'BREAK') {
        time = $('#session').find('span').text();
      } else {
        time = $('#break').find('span').text();
      $('.time > span').html(time + ':00');
      $('#circle a').trigger("click");    //Start new timer
  }, 1000);
like image 143
Ibrahim Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
