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Polymorphic Relations in Entity Framework Core

I have used Laravel in the past, and loved their polymorphic relations features.

Polymorphic relations allow a model to belong to more than one other model on a single association. For example, imagine users of your application can "comment" both posts and videos. Using polymorphic relationships, you can use a single comments table for both of these scenarios.

Is there something similar in Entity Framework Core? I'm using their Code First Approach. Thanks

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Justin Lim Avatar asked May 11 '17 09:05

Justin Lim

People also ask

Does EF core support inheritance?

By default, EF maps the inheritance using the table-per-hierarchy (TPH) pattern. TPH uses a single table to store the data for all types in the hierarchy, and a discriminator column is used to identify which type each row represents.

What is discriminator column in Entity Framework?

The Entity Framework Core Fluent API HasDiscriminator method is used to configure aspects of the discriminator column in a table that represents an inheritance hierarchy. By convention, a discriminator column will be configured to use a string data type will be named "Discriminator".

What kind of relationship is polymorphism?

So what is a polymorphic relationship? A polymorphic relationship is where a model can belong to more than one other model on a single association. To clarify this, let's create an imaginary situation where we have a Topic and a Post model. Users can leave comments on both topics and posts.

Which of the following inheritance hierarchy is support in EF core?

This tutorial demonstrates how to implement TPH inheritance. TPH is the only inheritance pattern that the Entity Framework Core supports.

2 Answers

Maybe it is too late but could still be helpful for someone with the same question.

There sure is away of doing it and it is called TPH you can find more information on how to do it here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/relational/inheritance.

However it has 1 major drawback if you want to use 1 table for 2 entities (2 parent tables) then you cannot have a ForeginKey Constraint on the Comments table.

The way you can do the setup is by having 2 columns on the Comments table 1 called EntityType and LinkId. The column EntityType would be the Discriminator column and it will tell you to which parent table this comment belongs either to a post or a video. and the LinkId will tell to which record in the Video table the Comment belongs to

Hope this answers it.

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Y Neuhaus Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Y Neuhaus

I have the same problem, and I found 3 possible solutions:

  1. Implement some interfaces like IComentableObject.
  2. Model Comments table like this:

    Comments(CommentID, ..., PostID, VideoID)
  3. TPH pattern applies here?

Older question about this.

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Mario Peralta Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Mario Peralta