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Polymer - Change page title with iron-pages

Lets say I have the demo implementation of iron-pages (from its Github page):

<iron-pages selected="0">

  document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    var pages = document.querySelector('iron-pages');

Now, I want to add a suffix to the page title to reflect the selected page. So for <div>One</div> I would like to append - selected One and so on.

What I've got so far is to make the change in routing.html when the route has been selected but it seems a bit weird to make the change here. Are there any other ways of doing this?

like image 309
Insectatorious Avatar asked Aug 07 '15 12:08


1 Answers

You should take a look at my Polymer component <page-title> here: https://github.com/zacharytamas/page-title/. You can install it with Bower, too:

bower install page-title --save

Likely you'd want some kind of function that maps the selected index from <iron-pages> to text you want to show as the title. In your example you could just the innerText of the selected element, but in practice your <iron-pages> elements would actually have content in them.

This will depend on your setup but you could use my component to easily bind them, something like this:

<dom-module id="my-app">

    <page-title base-title="My Website" 

    <iron-pages selected-item="{{selectedPage}}">
      <div title="First Page">One</div>
      <div title="Second Page">Two</div>
      <div title="Third Page">Three</div>

      is: 'my-app'

Here I've just done some fanciness to bind the title of the page to the title attribute of the currently selected element from the <iron-pages>. It works pretty well! You may have to adopt to your situation but this should get you going.

like image 53
zacharytamas Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 12:01
