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Pod install has required target membership unchecked


How do I configure cocoapods so that running pod install results in the storyboard having ProjectName checked for target membership?


I have a framework and an app that are both created by my company. We use Artifactory and Cocoapods to deploy the framework and pull it into the app. The framework contains a storyboard that is then used by the app to present a form. I am using XCode 8

Pod targets created by 'pod install'

  • ProjectName
  • ProjectName-ProjectName
  • Pods-ProjectNameTest


The problem is that the targets created by running 'pod install' have to be manually updated.

The storyboard from the framework only has the target membership checked for ProjectName-ProjectName. If I run the app I get the following exception:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Could not find a storyboard named 'ProjectName' in bundle NSBundle...

calling code

let bundle = NSBundle.init(forClass: ProjectNameViewController.classForCoder())]
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "ProjectName", bundle: bundle)


If I manually go to the storyboard and check the target membership for ProjectName this works as expected.


used to deploy framework

Pod::Spec.new do |spec|

  spec.name     = 'ProjectName'
  spec.version  = '0.3.1'
  spec.license  = { :type => "MIT", :file => "LICENSE" }
  spec.summary  = 'Summary.'
  spec.homepage = 'http://COMPANYWEBSITE'
  spec.authors  = 'Author'
  spec.source   = { :git => 'https://github.com/ProjectName.git',
                    :tag => spec.version.to_s, :submodules => true }
  spec.requires_arc = true
  spec.ios.deployment_target = '8.2'

  spec.framework        = 'Foundation, UIKit'
  spec.source_files     = 'ProjectName/**/*.{swift}'
  spec.resource_bundle = { 'ProjectName' => ['ProjectName/Resources/**/*'] }



used to pull framework into app


plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => [

target 'ProjectNameTest' do
  pod 'ProjectName'
like image 986
David Light Avatar asked Oct 06 '16 16:10

David Light

1 Answers

I was able to resolve this by changing:

spec.resource_bundle = { 'ProjectName' => ['ProjectName/Resources/**/*'] } 


spec.resources = 'ProjectName/Resources/**/*'
like image 148
David Light Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 11:11

David Light