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Plus sign "+" on subdomains names



example: hello+all.domain.com works with chrome/firefox. it does not with ie/safari.

I suppose that there isn't a workaround for this, right? thanks

I add that using urlencode "works": an urencoded url works with both ie/safari, but does not with chrome/firefox. However can't use 2 urls for the same staff.

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cedivad Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 13:01


People also ask

What characters are allowed in subdomains?

Letters (except stressed à), Numbers 0-9 and Hyphen.

Can you use special characters in domain names?

The only symbol allowable in a domain name is the hyphen, which can appear anywhere in the domain name other than as the first or last character. Beyond this, the only acceptable characters are the letters A to Z and the digits 0 to 9.

Can you have a dash in subdomain name?

Hyphens are allowed in domain names themselves, as well as subdomains and subfolders. www.sub-domain.domain-name.com/sub-folder-1/ is a perfectly valid URL. Underscores are not allowed in domain names, but are allowed in subfolders. You can often see URLs like www.example.com/sub_folder/ that work just fine.

How do I name a subdomain?

First, think of a subdomain name that best fits the section of the site you're assigning. Common subdomains include blog, store, shop, support, help, and events. There's no need to overthink this — pick a name that succinctly describes this part of your site, and limit it to one word if you can.

2 Answers

The "plus sign" character is not permitted in a valid domain name. From RFC952:

A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.). Note that periods are only allowed when they serve to delimit components of "domain style names".

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pimlottc Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 23:11


The definition for host names can be found in RFC 952 and was updated by RFC 1152 to allow longer host names (24 -> 63).

Even with IDN (Wikipedia), the basic limitations regarding the valid characters of RFC 952 still exist, as there are (correction mine):

  1. A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up to 24 63 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.).

In IDN, Unicode characters are converted to the allowed set of characters with Punycode, RFC 3492. However, ASCII characters (0 to 127 decimal) are not punified, so the + character (43 decimal) will remain as is and thus be invalid.

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Thomas Weller Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 21:11

Thomas Weller