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PL/SQL numeric or value error: number precision too large

I've got a oracle 10g PL/SQL program that I'm trying to get to run,


set serveroutput on size 10000;
     membership varchar2(1) :='Y';
     shipping number(2,2);
     quantity number(3) :=0;
   if membership = 'Y' then 
      if quantity  <= 3 then
        shipping := 3.00;
      elsif quantity > 3 and quantity <= 6 then
        shipping := 5.00;
      elsif quantity > 6 and quantity <= 10 then
        shipping := 7.00;
      elsif quantity > 10 then
        shipping := 9.00;
   end if;  
   elsif membership = 'N' then
      if quantity  <= 3 then
        shipping := 5.00;
      elsif quantity > 3 and quantity <= 6 then
        shipping := 7.50;
      elsif quantity > 6 and quantity <= 10 then
        shipping := 10.00;
      elsif quantity > 10 then
        shipping := 12.00;
   end if;  
end if;

The error I keep getting. At first I thought it was just because I was assigning quantity to a number(3), so then I would compare with 003 but that didn't work either.

 Error report:
 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: number precision too large
 ORA-06512: at line 8
 06502. 00000 -  "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"
like image 918
atrueresistance Avatar asked Jan 26 '12 01:01


1 Answers

Try changing shipping number(2,2) to shipping number(4,2)

(2,2) is basically saying that you want 2 digits and 2 of them are after the decimal point. So your range of values is 0 through 0.99. What you really want is "4 digits, 2 of which are after the decimal" which ranges from 0 through 99.99.

like image 152
Derek Kromm Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Derek Kromm