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PL/SQL Inserting 1 row for each result in a select


I am writing a PL/SQL Procedure that performs a select based on input variables and then inserts a row for each result in the select. I am having trouble debugging what is wrong with my query due my newness to PL/SQL. I know this must be easy, but I am stuck here for some reason. Thanks for your help!

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE setup_name_map(ranking_id IN NUMBER, class_string IN VARCHAR2)  IS BEGIN      FOR rec IN (SELECT NAME_ID FROM PRODUCT_NAMES WHERE NAME = class_string)     LOOP         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO NAME_RANKING (NAME_ID, RANKING_ID) VALUES (' || rec.NAME_ID || ', ' || ranking_id || ')';     END LOOP; END; 

According to the Oracle Developer Compiler... 'NAME_ID' is an invalid identifier. I've tried putting it in quotes but no dice. It also complains that loop index variables 'REC' use is invalid. Any help is much appreciated.

like image 732
Craig Avatar asked Mar 29 '12 14:03


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1 Answers

There is no need for dynamic SQL here:

BEGIN      FOR rec IN (SELECT NAME_ID FROM PRODUCT_NAMES                 WHERE NAME = class_string)     LOOP         INSERT INTO NAME_RANKING (NAME_ID, RANKING_ID)         VALUES (rec.NAME_ID, ranking_id);     END LOOP; END; 

Better still you can avoid a slow row-by-row cursor approach like this:


If you really did need the dynamic SQL you should not be concatenating values into it, but using bind variables:

BEGIN      FOR rec IN (SELECT NAME_ID FROM PRODUCT_NAMES                 WHERE NAME = class_string)     LOOP         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO NAME_RANKING                             (NAME_ID, RANKING_ID) VALUES (:b1, :b2)         USING rec.NAME_ID, ranking_id;     END LOOP; END; 
like image 160
Tony Andrews Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10

Tony Andrews