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PL/SQL developer how to get the row that made the insert fail?




I'm doing a method that inserts into the table which has a unique column. What I don't know is if I can access the insert value that made the insert fail.

For example:

table1(id,name, phone);

name is unique.

insert (1,a,123);

insert (2,a,1234);

What I want is when I do the second insert I to return the id value '1' without having to recur to a query.

Thank you in advance.

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andre Avatar asked Dec 12 '12 11:12


1 Answers

From oracle 10g r2 you can use log errors clause of insert command to log errors in a separate table. Here is an example:

SQL> create table test_table(
  2    id   number primary key,
  3    col1 varchar2(7)
  4  )
  5  ;

Table created

-- creates a table for logging errors (table name will be prefaced with err$_)
SQL> begin dbms_errlog.create_error_log('TEST_TABLE'); end;
  2  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

-- violates primary key constraint
SQL> insert into test_table(id, col1)
  2  (  select 1, level
  3      from dual
  4    connect by level <= 3)
  5    log errors reject limit unlimited;

1 row inserted

SQL> commit;

SQL> select * from test_table;

        ID COL1
---------- -------
         1 1

SQL> select * from err$_test_table;

ORA_ERR_NUMBER$ ORA_ERR_MESG$                                           ORA_ERR_ROWID$  ORA_ERR_OPTYP$ ORA_ERR_TAG$ ID  COL1
--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              1 ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.SYS_C008315) violated  I                                            1     2
              1 ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.SYS_C008315) violated  I                                            1     3
like image 73
Nick Krasnov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Nick Krasnov