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PLS-00201 - identifier must be declared

I executed a PL/SQL script that created the following table


I made an insert function for this table using arguments

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_SSC_Page_Map_Insert(          p_page_id   IN B2BOWNER.SSC_Page_Map.Page_ID_NBR%TYPE,           p_page_type IN B2BOWNER.SSC_Page_Map.Page_Type%TYPE,           p_page_dcpn IN B2BOWNER.SSC_Page_Map.Page_Dcpn%TYPE) 

I was notified I had to declare B2BOWNER.SSC_Page_Map prior to it appearing as an argument to my function. Why am I getting this error?

EDIT: Actual error

Warning: compiled but with compilation errors Errors for FUNCTION F_SSC_PAGE_MAP_INSERT  LINE/COL ERROR                                                             -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2/48     PLS-00201: identifier 'SSC_PAGE_MAP.PAGE_ID_NBR' must be declared 0/0      PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated  

EDIT: Complete PL/SQL Function

RETURN INTEGER IS    TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST exception;      PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -942); -- ORA-00942  BEGIN     INSERT INTO         B2BOWNER.SSC_Page_Map VALUES(            p_page_id,             p_page_type,             p_page_dcpn);     RETURN 0;     EXCEPTION        WHEN TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST THEN            RETURN -1;        WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN            RETURN -2;        WHEN INVALID_NUMBER THEN            RETURN -3;        WHEN OTHERS THEN            RETURN -4; END;  SHOW ERRORS PROCEDURE F_SSC_Page_Map_Insert;  GRANT EXECUTE ON F_SSC_Page_Map_Insert TO B2B_USER_DBROLE;  RETURN INTEGER 

EDIT: I change the arguments and received a new error related to the insert command

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION F_SSC_Page_Map_Insert(                             p_page_id   IN INTEGER,                              p_page_type IN VARCHAR2,                              p_page_dcpn IN VARCHAR2)  RETURN INTEGER IS  TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST exception;   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, -942); -- ORA-00942  BEGIN  INSERT INTO      B2BOWNER.SSC_Page_Map VALUES(         p_page_id,          p_page_type,          p_page_dcpn); 

The error

Errors for FUNCTION F_SSC_PAGE_MAP_INSERT  LINE/COL ERROR                                                             -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 17/18    PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist                   16/5     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored                                     

The tables has been verified within the correct schema and with the correct attribute names and types

EDIT: I executed the following command to check if I have access

DECLARE     count_this INTEGER;  BEGIN  select count(*) into count_this  from all_tables  where owner = 'B2BOWNER'  and table_name = 'SSC_PAGE_MAP';  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(count_this);  END; 

The output I received is

1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 

I have access to the table.


So I finally conducted an insert into the table via the schema using PL/SQL and it worked fine. It appears I simply do not have authority to create functions but that is an assumption.


Actual table DDL statement

 v_create := 'CREATE TABLE ' ||  TABLE_NAME || ' (                 PAGE_ID_NBR   NUMERIC(10)   NOT NULL Check(Page_ID_NBR > 0),                 PAGE_TYPE     VARCHAR2(50)  NOT NULL,                  PAGE_DCPN     VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,                 PRIMARY KEY(Page_ID_NBR, Page_Type))';  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_create;   COMMIT WORK;  COMMIT COMMENT 'Create Table';  
like image 696
Mushy Avatar asked May 07 '14 19:05


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1 Answers

When creating the TABLE under B2BOWNER, be sure to prefix the PL/SQL function with the Schema name; i.e. B2BOWNER.F_SSC_Page_Map_Insert.

I did not realize this until the DBAs pointed it out. I could have created the table under my root USER/SCHEMA and the PL/SQL function would have worked fine.

like image 87
Mushy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
