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plpgsql function returns table(..)

I'm trying to get this plpgsql function to work:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION outofdate(actualdate varchar) 
RETURNS TABLE(designacion varchar(255),timebeingrotten varchar(255))

 SELECT designacao, actualdate - prazo
 FROM alimento
 WHERE prazo < actualdate;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' volatile;

From outofdate('12/12/2012');

It keeps giving me an error on line 2 - table ..

ERROR: syntax error at or near "TABLE" LINE 2: RETURNS TABLE(designacion varchar(255),timebeingrotten varch... ^

*** Error ***

ERROR: syntax error at or near "TABLE" SQL state: 42601 Character: 67

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David Dias Avatar asked Nov 25 '10 18:11

David Dias

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What is Plpgsql function?

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1 Answers

I am not sure, but maybe you use a older version of pg without support of RETURNS TABLE syntax. Next problem in your example is wrong syntax for PL/pgSQL language - look to manual for syntax - every function must contain a block with BEGIN ... END. Records can be returned via RETURN QUERY statement. Have a look at this tutorial.

RETURNS TABLE(b int, c int) AS $$
  RETURN QUERY SELECT i, i+1 FROM generate_series(1, a) g(i);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT * FROM foo(10);
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Pavel Stehule Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Pavel Stehule