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Plotting frequency spectrum with c++

Please see the Edits in the answer below this question.

I have written a script to plot the frequency spectrum of a sinusoidal signal with c++. Here are the steps

  1. Applying Hanning window
  2. Apply FFT using fftw3 library

I have three graphs: Signal, Signal when is multiplied to Hanning function, and the frequency spectrum. The frequency spectrum looks wrong. It should have a peak at 50 Hz. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Here is the code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int i;
double y;
int N=50;
double Fs=1000;//sampling frequency
double  T=1/Fs;//sample time 
double f=50;//frequency
double *in;
fftw_complex *out;
double t[N];//time vector 
double ff[N];
fftw_plan plan_forward;

in = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);

 for (int i=0; i< N;i++)
    in[i] =0.7 *sin(2*M_PI*f*t[i]);// generate sine waveform
    double multiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*M_PI*i/(N-1)));//Hanning Window
    in[i] = multiplier * in[i];

  plan_forward = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d ( N, in, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE );

  fftw_execute ( plan_forward );

  double v[N];

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)

    v[i]=20*log(sqrt(out[i][0]*out[i][0]+ out[i][1]*out[i][1])/N/2);//Here I have calculated the y axis of the spectrum in dB


   fstream myfile;


   myfile << "plot '-' using 1:2" << std::endl;

   for(i = 0; i < N; ++i)


      myfile << ff[i]<< " " << v[i]<< std::endl;



 fftw_destroy_plan ( plan_forward );
 fftw_free ( in );
 fftw_free ( out );
 return 0;

I have to add that I have plotted the graphs using gnuplot after inserting the results into example2.txt. So ff[i] vs v[i] should give me the frequency spectrum.

Here are the plots: enter image description here Frequency Spectrum and Sinusoidal time Window respectively: enter image description here

like image 636
Jack Avatar asked Aug 28 '15 17:08


People also ask

How do you create a frequency spectrum in MATLAB?

In MATLAB®, the fft function computes the Fourier transform using a fast Fourier transform algorithm. Use fft to compute the discrete Fourier transform of the signal. y = fft(x); Plot the power spectrum as a function of frequency.

1 Answers

enter image description hereMy Frequency intervals were completely wrong. According to http://www.ni.com/white-paper/3995/en/#toc1; the frequency range and resolution on the x-axis depend on sampling rate and N. The last point on the frequency axis should be Fs/2-Fs/N and the resolution dF=FS/N.So I have changed my script to: (since frequency resolution is Fs/N as you increase the number of smaples N (or decrease sampling frequency Fs) you get smaller frequency resolution and better results.)

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int i;
double y;
int N=550;//Number of points acquired inside the window
double Fs=200;//sampling frequency
double dF=Fs/N;
double  T=1/Fs;//sample time 
double f=50;//frequency
double *in;
fftw_complex *out;
double t[N];//time vector 
double ff[N];
fftw_plan plan_forward;

in = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * N);

 for (int i=0; i<= N;i++)

in[i] =0.7 *sin(2*M_PI*f*t[i]);// generate sine waveform
double multiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*M_PI*i/(N-1)));//Hanning Window
in[i] = multiplier * in[i];

 for (int i=0; i<= ((N/2)-1);i++)
plan_forward = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d ( N, in, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE );

fftw_execute ( plan_forward );

double v[N];

for (int i = 0; i<= ((N/2)-1); i++)

v[i]=(20*log(sqrt(out[i][0]*out[i][0]+ out[i][1]*out[i][1])))/N;  //Here   I  have calculated the y axis of the spectrum in dB


fstream myfile;


myfile << "plot '-' using 1:2" << std::endl;

for(i = 0;i< ((N/2)-1); i++)


myfile << ff[i]<< " " << v[i]<< std::endl;



 fftw_destroy_plan ( plan_forward );
 fftw_free ( in );
 fftw_free ( out );
 return 0;
like image 58
Jack Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10
