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Plotting a column containing lists using Pandas


I have a dataframe (df) containing several columns and two of them store a list in each row:

Index    list1                             list2
A   [ 0.09173306  0.12331911  0.20057651 ]  [ 0.3128322   0.27153913 ]
D   [ 0.03861522  0.10524985 ]              [ 0.37265687  0.48347806 ]
E   [ 0.02124905  0.01149118 ]              [ 0.04348405  0.17057435  0.37838683  0.37481453 ]

I would like to plot these lists as bar graphs using pandas built-in plot function.


df.list1.apply(lambda x:x[0]).plot(kind='bar', width=0.9, ax=bar_ax)

I can plot the first element of each list. However, trying

df.list1.plot(kind='bar', width=0.9, ax=bar_ax)

results in the following error:

Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot

What I would like to do is, (1) plot both list into one single plot like so:

df[['list1','list2']].plot(kind='bar', width=0.9, ax=bar_ax)

And (2) also plot the first elements of each list only into one single bar plot, which I can do like this:

df.list1.apply(lambda x:x[0]).plot(kind='bar', width=0.9, ax=bar_ax, color='blue')
df.list2.apply(lambda x:x[0]).plot(kind='bar', width=0.9, ax=bar_ax, color='red')

However, this results in the bars being plotted on top of each other (not stacked!) - I want to have them grouped.

like image 929
Fourier Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 08:10


2 Answers

Consider this DF containing values as lists as shown:

df = pd.DataFrame({'list1': np.random.randint(0, 10, (5,2)).tolist(), 
                   'list2': np.random.randint(0, 10, (5,3)).tolist()}, 


Q-1 Plot both list into one single plot:

Unstack the DF to make the column names appear as index and make individual values present in the list to individual series objects.

df_lists = df[['list1','list2']].unstack().apply(pd.Series)
df_lists.plot.bar(rot=0, cmap=plt.cm.jet, fontsize=8, width=0.7, figsize=(8,4))


Q-2 Plot the first elements of each list only into one single grouped bar plot:

Use DF.applymap to select first element of the required columns to obtain the grouped bar plot.

df[['list1','list2']].applymap(lambda x: x[0]).plot.bar(rot=0, color=list('br'))


like image 107
Nickil Maveli Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Nickil Maveli


df = pd.DataFrame({'list1':[[ 0.09173306,  0.12331911,  0.20057651], [ 0.03861522,  0.10524985],[ 0.02124905,  0.01149118 ]],
                   'list2':[[0.3128322,   0.27153913], [0.37265687,  0.48347806], [0.04348405,  0.17057435,  0.37838683,  0.37481453]]},
print (df)
                                  list1  \
A  [0.09173306, 0.12331911, 0.20057651]   
D              [0.03861522, 0.10524985]   
E              [0.02124905, 0.01149118]   

A                           [0.3128322, 0.27153913]  
D                          [0.37265687, 0.48347806]  
E  [0.04348405, 0.17057435, 0.37838683, 0.37481453]  

First solution:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df.list1.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x)).plot(kind='bar', width=0.9)

Second solution with stack:

I think you need first reshape data by convert list to Series by DataFrame constructor with stack

dfL1 = pd.DataFrame(df.list1.values.tolist(), index=df.index).stack()
print (dfL1)
A  0    0.091733
   1    0.123319
   2    0.200577
D  0    0.038615
   1    0.105250
E  0    0.021249
   1    0.011491

dfL2 = pd.DataFrame(df.list2.values.tolist(), index=df.index).stack()
print (dfL2)
A  0    0.312832
   1    0.271539
D  0    0.372657
   1    0.483478
E  0    0.043484
   1    0.170574
   2    0.378387
   3    0.374815
dtype: float64

Then concat them together:

df = pd.concat([dfL1, dfL2], axis=1, keys=('list1','list2'))
print (df)
        list1     list2
A 0  0.091733  0.312832
  1  0.123319  0.271539
  2  0.200577       NaN
D 0  0.038615  0.372657
  1  0.105250  0.483478
E 0  0.021249  0.043484
  1  0.011491  0.170574
  2       NaN  0.378387
  3       NaN  0.374815

And last plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df[['list1','list2']].plot(kind='bar', width=0.9)
like image 45
jezrael Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
