I'm creating a web app using plotly dash for graph generation and callback handling. I use dash-core-components v0.18.1
When trying to add graphs dynamically (each time a button is clicked, a new graph is added), an error appears in the console:
bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9 Uncaught (in promise) Error: dash_core_components was not found. at Object.resolve (bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9) at s (bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9) at Array.map () at s (bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9) at Array.map () at s (bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9) at Array.map () at s (bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9) at e.value (bundle.js?v=0.11.2:9) at p._renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext (react-dom@15.4.2.min.js?v=0.11.2:13)
I just have a blank page with a button and a callback on click. The callback simply fills a div with a graph.
Layout code:
class ContentController(object):
graph_names = None
def __init__(self):
self.graph_names = []
# self.graph_names = ["start_graph"]
def layout(self):
return html.Div([html.Button("Add Graph", id='button_id'),
html.Div(self.graphics_layout, id='graphics_div')],
def graphics_layout(self):
graphs = []
for name in self.graph_names:
graph = self.create_graph()
graphs.append(dcc.Graph(id=name, figure=graph, style= {'width': '600px', 'height': '300px'}))
return graphs
def create_graph(self):
graph_data = {
'data': [
{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [4, 1, 2], 'type': 'bar', 'name': 'SF'},
{'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [2, 4, 5], 'type': 'bar', 'name': u'Montréal'},
'layout': {
'title': 'Dash Data Visualization'
return graph_data
Callback Code
Output(component_id='graphics_div', component_property='children'),
[Input(component_id='button_id', component_property='n_clicks')]
def callback_function(n_clicks):
if n_clicks is None:
return ""
name = "graph_" + str(n_clicks)
return content.graphics_layout
The weird thing is that if another graph is present when loading the page, then everything works fine. Is this a bug in Dash?
Interactive Graphing and Crossfiltering | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly Graphs can be inputs as well as outputs: bind interactivity to the Dash `Graph` component whenever you hover, click, or select points on your chart.
Chakra UI to create the data fields to make our charts dynamic To install Plotly and Chakra, run the commands below in your terminal: In Plotly, users pass data points and configurations for a graph or chart to the Plot component: In the image below, we have two different plots in the chart: a bar chart and a scatter plot.
Plotly.js supports over 35 chart types and renders charts in both vector-quality SVG and high-performance WebGL. The figureargument in the dcc.Graphcomponent is the same figureargument that is used by plotly.py. Check out the plotly.py documentation and galleryto learn more.
A grouped bar chart compares two different data points for the same data group. Let’s see how to build it with Plotly: In the code above, we created two bar chart plots ( plt1 and plot2 ), then grouped them using the same x values and passed both plots to the data prop of the Plot component. With this method, we can group two or more bar charts.
It turns out that this is a flaw in Dash.
Workaround: Create a hidden graph on load like this:
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Location(id='location', refresh=False),
html.Div(dt.DataTable(rows=[{}]), style={‘display’: ‘none’})
The reason is that the needed libraries are only loaded when the page loads, so if no graph are present in the layout at load time, some dash libraries will not be loaded.
More information can be found on the dash issue board: Here and Here
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