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plotGoogleMaps in shiny app

I thought it would be really cool to use plotGoogleMaps in a shiny app to dynamically analyze and display spatial data using R. I’ve never used either package before (they are relatively new) and do not have much programming experience, so I started with the tutorials and examples for each and then tried to mash them together.

I can get all of the individual elements of code to work, but running the app does not display the google map. I’m guessing it has to do with plotGoogleMaps trying to plot in a browser and shiny trying to render the plot in a browser, but I don’t know how to resolve this. I pulled most of the shiny code from the shiny tutorial Inputs & Outputs and followed the plotGoogleMaps Tutorial

test code:

#load packages and data

#convert data frame to SpatialPointDataFrame and set 
proj4string(meuse) <- CRS('+init=epsg:28992')

#will need to select column name for app, maybe not best way to do this, 
#but seems to work

#plot data on Google map, opens browser and works
mpgPlot <- plotGoogleMaps(meuse, zcol=formulaText)



# Define UI for meuse test

    # Application title
    headerPanel("Meuse Test"),

    # Sidebar with controls to select the variable to plot on map
        selectInput("variable", "Variable:",
                                choices=list("Zinc" = "zinc", 
                                         "Lead" = "lead", 
                                         "Copper" = "copper"), 


    # Show the caption and plot of the requested variable on map



proj4string(meuse) <- CRS('+init=epsg:28992')

# Define server logic required to plot various variables on map
shinyServer(function(input, output) {

    # Compute the forumla text in a reactive expression since it is 
    # shared by the output$mapPlot ?I think I still need to do this...
    formulaText <- reactive({
#paste the input name in so it follows argument format for plotGoogleMaps?
#tried without, don't think it is probelm, works with test code...

    # Generate a plot of the requested variable against mpg and only 
    # include outliers if requested
    output$mapPlot <- renderPlot({
        plotGoogleMaps(meuse, zcol=formulaText)
#also tried to specify alternative arguments like add=TRUE, 
#filename='mapPlot.htm', openMap=FALSE

I understand both shiny and plotGoogleMaps are pretty new and I've seen some suggestions to post questions to the shiny Google group, but I don't want to double post and StackOverflow is my go to for answers. I'd also finally like to make a small contribution to a community that has helped me so much so far! If this is just a lousy approach I'm open to alternatives, I'm checking out googleVis now...

Thanks, Alex


R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
[1] googleVis_0.4.3    plotGoogleMaps_2.0 maptools_0.8-25   
[4] lattice_0.20-15    foreign_0.8-54     rgdal_0.8-10      
[7] sp_1.0-11          shiny_0.6.0       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] bitops_1.0-5   caTools_1.14   digest_0.6.3   httpuv_1.0.6.3
[5] Rcpp_0.10.4    RJSONIO_1.0-3  tools_3.0.1    xtable_1.7-1 

PPS- I read this post several times before posting, but now am suspicious my answer is there. Appologies if question is duplicate. I think it's something with htmlOutput()... ?htmlOutput is sparse... I'm feeling dense...

like image 824
Alex Thomas Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 17:08

Alex Thomas

People also ask

How do you add text to the Shiny app?

You can add content to your Shiny app by placing it inside a *Panel function. For example, the apps above display a character string in each of their panels. The words “sidebar panel” appear in the sidebar panel, because we added the string to the sidebarPanel function, e.g. sidebarPanel("sidebar panel") .

How do you enter Shiny data?

To add an input in a Shiny app, we need to place an input function *Input() in the ui object. Each input function requires several arguments. The first two are inputId , an id necessary to access the input value, and label which is the text that appears next to the input in the app.

Which function is used to create Shiny app?

shinyApp. Finally, we use the shinyApp function to create a Shiny app object from the UI/server pair that we defined above. We save all of this code, the ui object, the server function, and the call to the shinyApp function, in an R script called app.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Thanks to ramnathv's code I managed to embed plotGoogleMaps in shiny without any .html programming knowledge:


  ui = pageWithSidebar(
   server = function(input, output){
    output$mymap <- renderUI({
      coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
      proj4string(meuse) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
      m <- plotGoogleMaps(meuse, filename = 'myMap1.html', openMap = F)
        srcdoc = paste(readLines('myMap1.html'), collapse = '\n'),
        width = "100%",
        height = "600px"

Note that the legend is not displayed. I have already posted a question about this issue elsewhere.

like image 130
gosz Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10
