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Plone4 - Installing addons



I am new to Plone and I am having trouble understanding how to install addons. I have read the documentation provided on their site, but I am still a bit confused.

The addon that I am trying to install is http://plone.org/products/uwosh.timeslot.

In the documentation, I see them using a something like cmd.exe, but I am not really sure what it is. Is it the python.exe located in the python folder?

Also, I am not clear if the addon that I wish to install is in an "egg" form.

Could someone please provide me with a detailed process for installation?

Thank you.

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rawrzors Avatar asked Feb 20 '23 09:02


1 Answers


  1. Find, then edit your buildout.cfg file per instructions above to add the uwosh.timeslot egg.
  2. Re-run bin/buildout (or bin\buildout on windows) from the main plone directory on the command-line (do not run from the bin directory as your current working directory).

Answering your other questions:

  • Yes, packages listed on PyPI.python.org are "eggs" in the sense that you install them as eggs in buildout, not classic "Products".
  • cmd.exe is MS Windows command-line, assuming you are using Windows, not Unix.
    • This is only useful if you know where your Plone installation is located on disk -- you should.
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sdupton Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 00:02
