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Playing a sound with Vue.js

How can I play a sound with Vue.js?

Seems like I cant just do the regular way.

  import Vue from 'vue'
  import AppView from './components/App.vue'

  console.log('Play outside of vue')
  var audio = new Audio('file.mp3')

  new Vue({
    el: '#root',
    mounted () {
       console.log('Will it play here?? lol')
       var audio = new Audio('file.mp3')
    render: h => h(AppView)

As it says Audio is not defined? Do I have to import it somehow? Is there a specific vue package for this? or npm package?

I really don't understand, I though Audio was just vanilla javascript?

like image 548
Kylie Avatar asked Apr 06 '17 21:04


People also ask

How do I add audio to VueJS?

Use var audio = new Audio(require('./file. mp3')) this will create the correct path since in var audio = new Audio('file. mp3') , your path 'file.

How do I play a sound in JavaScript?

play() to Play Audio Files in JavaScript. We can load an audio file in JavaScript simply by creating an audio object instance, i.e. using new Audio() . After an audio file is loaded, we can play it using the . play() function.

Can you add sound in JavaScript?

The simplest way to add sound is through Javascript's Audio() constructor. It takes an argument of a string that is either the local or remote file path. Declaring this as a variable allows you to then call the play() method which starts playing the current audio.

Is VueJS good for beginners?

It is very easy to integrate with other projects and libraries. The installation of VueJS is fairly simple, and beginners can easily understand and start building their own user interfaces. The content is divided into various chapters that contain related topics with simple and useful examples.

2 Answers

Use var audio = new Audio(require('./file.mp3')) this will create the correct path since in var audio = new Audio('file.mp3'), your path 'file.mp3' was decoded as a string.

like image 132
Kevin Muchwat Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10

Kevin Muchwat

**** EDITED ****

As the time passed and I developed more using VueJs I'm able to clarify better this issue

The issue was: the audio is being defined out of the scope of VueJs component. VueJS encapsulates the components in their own context. When we declare it out of new Vue hook, it will be unaware of the existence of this object.

A correct approach would be:

import Vue from 'vue';
import AppView from './components/App.vue';

new Vue({
  el: '#root',
  mounted () {
   console.log('Will it play here?? lol');
   console.log('Play outside of');
   var audio = new Audio('file://path-to-file/file.mp3'); // path to file
render: h => h(AppView)

Also, I should mention that trying to access "file://" in the context of the browser will NOT work, because the browser is sandboxed. You should use an <input type="file" /> to get the source of the audio, and then put it into the audio variable after manipulate the file itself.

Is worth mention too, that this approach would work much better if you create a global plugin to use on Vue's this context. This would make the component reusable and available in every component instance you needed to access allowing you to play or pause the audio from any component source

  • Docs about plugins
like image 26
Allan Lima Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Allan Lima