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Playground execution failed: error: Couldn't lookup symbols

I am using Xcode 7.3. I have already put Playground and Frameworks in same workspace and have built the framework. I am still getting this error

Playground execution failed: error: Couldn't lookup symbols:  

Playground execution failed: error: Couldn't lookup symbols

How to resolve this ?

like image 660
Rahul Katariya Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 16:11

Rahul Katariya

1 Answers

If you have a .podspec for your library, you can use cocoapods-playgrounds to generate a Playground which should work.

$ gem install cocoapods-playgrounds
$ pod playgrounds Restofire.podspec

It looks like the plugin has tentative support for Carthage projects too.

The plugin creates a new folder inside your project folder with the following structure:

├── Podfile
├── Podfile.lock
├── Pods
│   ├── Alamofire
│   ├── Headers
│   ├── Local\ Podspecs
│   │   └── Restofire.podspec.json
│   ├── Manifest.lock
│   ├── Pods.xcodeproj
│   └── Target\ Support\ Files
│       ├── Alamofire
│       ├── Pods-TidalPlayground
│       └── Restofire
├── Restofire.playground
├── Restofire.xcodeproj
└── Restofire.xcworkspace

All that remains after generating the Playground is to build the RestofirePlayground scheme then you're good to go.

like image 195
squarefrog Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
