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Playframework is active menu item / route

I would like to style the active menu item, to do this i need to compare the current url agains a route. I know that I can do this in javascript, but I was wondering how other people have solved this in play.

Any suggestions?


<a #{routeIsActive Application.index()} class="active"#{/if} href="@{Application.index()}">My Page</a> 
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Leon Radley Avatar asked Dec 10 '10 10:12

Leon Radley

2 Answers

<a #{if request.action=="Application.index"}class="active"#{/if} href="@{Application.index()}">My Page</a>

Easy. :D

like image 184
Javier Buzzi Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11

Javier Buzzi

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an easy way to do this. The simplest solution I could find was to write a fast tag (but this may be due to my lack of Groovy experience).

I got this working with this code.

In your View

<a class="#{activeRoute href:@Application.index(), activeClass:'active' /}" href="@{Application.index()}">My Page</a>

Then, create a new FastTag for activeRoute

public class MyFastTag extends FastTags {

   public static void _activeRoute(Map<?, ?> args, Closure body, PrintWriter out, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate template, int fromLine) {
      Router.ActionDefinition actionDef = (Router.ActionDefinition) args.get("href");
      String activeStyle = (String) args.get("activeClass");
      String inactiveStyle  = (String) args.get("inactiveClass");

      if (Http.Request.current().action.equals(actionDef.action) && activeStyle != null) {
      else if (!Http.Request.current().action.equals(actionDef.action) && inactiveStyle != null) {

Make sure you add the relevant imports.

This allows you to specify an active and inactive class, which is a little more than you requested

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Codemwnci Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11
