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Play scala browse the image then crop and submit into form

In My Play Framework Scala project I would like to upload images on form submission,for this purpose I have used the below code


    @form(routes.Users.register(),'enctype -> "multipart/form-data") {
 @inputFile(field = algorithmForm("profileimage"), '_label -> "User Icon")
       <input type="submit" value="Add user" >


 request.body.file("profileimage").map { picture =>
        import java.io.File
        val filename = picture.filename
        val contentType = picture.contentType

        picture.ref.moveTo(new File("D:\\User\\"+filename))   
        Ok("file created")
      }.getOrElse {
          "error" -> "Missing file")

What I actually need

need to show the selected image in view page then do a cropping operation in that image,on form submit need to upload that cropped image into the specified location.So I have used https://github.com/andyvr/picEdit this plugin I have done all those thinks using this plugin but unfortunately I couldn't submit the form it was not working.So please suggest any plugin with this mentioned functionality along with submit option enable.


I have cropped and submitted the image with other form values.It is copying a file in a particular mentioned directory,but the image is original one not a cropped image.actually I need a cropped image to save in that corresponding directory. and also it doesn't redirect to other pages.I used Ok("submitted") ,Redirect() methods but it doesn't do that.

like image 593
Jamal Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 23:10


1 Answers

Have you checked Picture Cut JQuery plugin Github URL. I hope it will be helpful. This plugin has the crop, drag-drop and other features. Please take a look at it.

Otherwise you can check following link which showcase few more such plugins

like image 80
vijayP Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11
