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Play Framework User Authentication/Membership

I want to support user authentication in a Play Application. It is Web App and I think that the built-in "Secure" module is too simple for my needs. In fact, the user group discusses how the Secure module is really for demonstration purproses. However, how can I develop such a system?

Essentially, the application will allow the user to login and then they will have their own settings and so forth applied throughout the application. There are some pages for which unauthenticated users can view but if the client is authenticated, then the view of those pages will be different. Pretty simple setup but most documentation just refers to the simple Secure module.

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User987239700 Avatar asked Feb 27 '11 18:02


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Play is rock-solid and used by hundreds of thousands of Java and Scala developers every month. Play is still extremely relevant to today's application and web development and has a passionate and very capable community around it ensuring that it has many good years left.

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Play is a direct competitor to Spring framework and designed to develop and deploy web applications more efficiently and also provides better MVC framework. In terms of getting a web application up and running quickly, play is the best. Spring and Spring MVC cannot compete with play framework individually.

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The activator command can be used to create a new Play application. Activator allows you to select a template that your new application should be based off. For vanilla Play projects, the names of these templates are play-scala for Scala based Play applications, and play-java for Java based Play applications.

What is play framework used for?

Play Framework makes it easy to build web applications with Java & Scala. Play is based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture. Built on Akka, Play provides predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalable applications.

2 Answers

If your only special requirement is that some pages be publicly visible, I've got your answer: Play framework: How to require login for some actions, but not all . I just copied the Secure module and made a few small additions.

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Brad Mace Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Brad Mace

You can use the PlayPlugins for this. I started to write a plugin which enabled Security in powerful way. It's an migration from BasisSecurity for Grails. At the moment I don't find the time to further development. You can see the current state here https://code.launchpad.net/~opensource21/+junk/permsec.

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niels Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 13:10
