I would like to be able to have buttons that can play certain audio ranges from a larger file. Something like:
<button onclick="playClip('http://blah/source1.mp3', 2.5, 3.0, 1.0)">Play clip 1</button>
<button onclick="playClip('http://blah/source2.mp3', 10.0, 2.0, 0.5)">Play clip 2 slow</button>
where playClip has a pattern like this:
function playClip(src, startOffset, length, rate) {
// What to put here?
Or instead of a length, an ending offset.
Can some one point me to code that can do that, or help me write it? The closest I could find is https://gist.github.com/remy/753003/download# but I need different sized clips, from possibly different files, and with a playback rate specified. I'm afraid I've limited experience with Javascript.
I'm trying to replace a Silverlight app that does this.
HTML5 features include native audio and video support without the need for Flash. The HTML5 <audio> and <video> tags make it simple to add media to a website. You need to set src attribute to identify the media source and include a controls attribute so the user can play and pause the media.
The HTML <audio> element is used to play an audio file on a web page.
By adding more "<audio>" tags you can add more audio players in the browser using HTML5...
How to embed audio in HTML? To embed audio in HTML, we use the <audio> tag. Before HTML5, audio cannot be added to web pages in the Internet Explorer era. To play audio, we used web plugins like Flash.
Either use Media Fragments URI syntax:
var src,
audio = new Audio(src + '#t=' + startOffset + ',' + endOffset);
audio.onloadedmetadata = function() {
audio.playbackRate = playbackRate;
or timeupdate
var audio = new Audio( ... ),
audio.onloadedmetadata = function() {
audio.playbackRate = playbackRate;
audio.currentTime = startOffset;
audio.ontimeupdate = function() {
if (audio.currentTime >= endOffset) {
Here's an extract of my current code, which uses both the audio control's events and timeout to make sure the audio stops. There's a reference to a volume slider you might need to trim.
var jt_audioControl;
var jt_audioSource;
var jt_audioFiles;
var jt_audioFileIndex;
var jt_audioFile;
var jt_audioStartTime;
var jt_audioEndTime;
var jt_audioPlaybackRate;
var jt_audioTimeoutHandle;
var jt_audioLink;
var jt_audioMimeType;
var jt_audioMediaType;
var jt_volumeSlider;
function jt_onAudioTimeUpdate() {
if (jt_audioEndTime > 0.0) {
if (jt_audioControl.currentTime >= jt_audioEndTime) {
//alert('stopped: jt_audioControl.currentTime = ' + jt_audioControl.currentTime + ' jt_audioEndTime = ' + jt_audioEndTime);
//jt_audioStartTime = jt_audioEndTime = 0.0;
function jt_onAudioCanPlay() {
jt_audioControl.currentTime = jt_audioStartTime;
jt_audioControl.defaultPlaybackRate = jt_audioPlaybackRate;
jt_audioControl.playbackRate = jt_audioPlaybackRate;
jt_audioControl.currentTime = jt_audioStartTime;
jt_volumeSliderChanged(); // Set initial value to slider.
var timeout = (((jt_audioEndTime - jt_audioStartTime)) / jt_audioPlaybackRate) * 1000;
//alert('jt_audioEndTime = ' + jt_audioEndTime + ', timeout = ' + timeout);
if (jt_audioEndTime > 0.0) {
jt_audioTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(jt_onAudioEnded, timeout);
//alert('jt_audioTimeoutHandle = ' + jt_audioTimeoutHandle);
else if (jt_audioTimeoutHandle != null) {
jt_audioTimeoutHandle = null;
function jt_onAudioEnded() {
//alert('ended called');
if (jt_audioFiles == null)
while (jt_audioControl.position < jt_audioControl.duration)
jt_audioFileIndex = jt_audioFileIndex + 1;
if (jt_audioFileIndex < jt_audioFiles.length) {
else {
jt_audioFiles = null;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
function jt_onAudioError(e) {
var msg;
switch (e.target.error.code) {
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED:
msg = 'You aborted the video playback.';
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK:
msg = 'A network error caused the video download to fail part-way.';
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE:
msg = 'The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support.';
case e.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED:
msg = 'The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.';
msg = 'An unknown error occurred.';
alert('Error loading media: ' + msg + ' Media file: ' + jt_audioFile + ' MIME type: ' + jt_audioMimeType);
function jt_addSource(url) {
var srcUrl;
var doConvertCheck = false;
var offset = url.lastIndexOf(".");
if (offset == -1) {
if (jt_audioSource == null) {
jt_audioSource = document.createElement('source');
jt_audioMimeType = 'audio/mpeg3';
jt_audioMediaType = 'audio/mpeg3';
jt_audioSource.type = jt_audioMediaType;
jt_audioSource.src = url;
var base = url.substr(0, offset);
var ext = url.substr(offset).toLowerCase();
var newExt = ext;
if (jt_audioControl.canPlayType('audio/mpeg3')) {
jt_audioMimeType = 'audio/mpeg3';
jt_audioMediaType = 'audio/mpeg3';
if (ext != '.mp3')
newExt = '-aa.mp3';
else if (jt_audioControl.canPlayType('audio/mpeg')) {
jt_audioMimeType = 'audio/mpeg3';
jt_audioMediaType = 'audio/mpeg';
if (ext != '.mp3')
newExt = '-aa.mp3';
else if (jt_audioControl.canPlayType('audio/mp3')) {
jt_audioMimeType = 'audio/mpeg3';
jt_audioMediaType = 'audio/mp3';
if (ext != '.mp3')
newExt = '-aa.mp3';
else if (jt_audioControl.canPlayType('audio/ogg')) {
jt_audioMimeType = 'audio/ogg';
jt_audioMediaType = 'audio/ogg';
if (ext != '.ogg')
newExt = '-aa.ogg';
else {
alert('Sorry, can not play file: ' + url);
srcUrl = base + newExt;
if (srcUrl.lastIndexOf('~', 0) === 0) {
if (window.location.hostname == '') {
srcUrl = srcUrl.substr(2);
else {
var url = 'http://' + window.location.hostname;
if (window.location.port.toString() != '')
url = usrl + ':' + window.location.port.toString()
srcUrl = url + srcUrl.substr(1);
//alert('srcUrl = ' + srcUrl);
if (jt_audioSource == null) {
jt_audioSource = document.createElement('source');
jt_audioSource.type = jt_audioMediaType;
if (doConvertCheck) {
jt_audioLink = "/ConvertCheck?path=" + srcUrl + "&" + "mimeType=" + jt_audioMimeType
jt_audioSource.src = jt_audioLink;
else {
jt_audioSource.src = srcUrl;
function jt_extractTimeRange(url) {
var rangeFieldIndex = url.lastIndexOf("#t");
if (rangeFieldIndex >= 0) {
var rangeString = url.substr(rangeFieldIndex + 2);
var range = rangeString.split(',');
jt_audioStartTime = parseFloat(range[0]);
jt_audioEndTime = parseFloat(range[1]);
else {
jt_audioStartTime = 0.0;
jt_audioEndTime = 0.0;
return url;
return url.substr(0, rangeFieldIndex);
function jt_createAudio(url) {
url = jt_extractTimeRange(url);
if (jt_audioControl == null) {
jt_audioFile = url;
jt_audioControl = new Audio();
// The ontimeupdate handler seems to be called unreliably, so we'll use
// setTimeout as well in the oncanplay handler.
jt_audioControl.ontimeupdate = jt_onAudioTimeUpdate;
jt_audioControl.onloadedmetadata = jt_onAudioCanPlay;
jt_audioControl.onended = jt_onAudioEnded;
jt_audioControl.onerror = jt_onAudioError;
// We'll let the oncanplay call play once loaded.
else if (jt_audioFile != url) {
jt_audioFile = url;
else {
function jt_playAudioFile(url) {
jt_audioFiles = null;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
jt_audioStartTime = 0.0;
jt_audioEndTime = 0.0;
jt_audioPlaybackRate = 1.0;
function jt_playSlowAudioFile(url) {
jt_audioFiles = null;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
jt_audioStartTime = 0.0;
jt_audioEndTime = 0.0;
jt_audioPlaybackRate = 0.5;
function jt_playAudioFileList(urls) {
jt_audioFiles = urls;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
jt_audioStartTime = 0.0;
jt_audioEndTime = 0.0;
jt_audioPlaybackRate = 1.0;
if ((urls != null) && (urls.length > 0)) {
function jt_playSlowAudioFileList(urls) {
jt_audioFiles = urls;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
jt_audioStartTime = 0.0;
jt_audioEndTime = 0.0;
jt_audioPlaybackRate = 0.5;
if ((urls != null) && (urls.length > 0)) {
function jt_playAudioFileSegment(url, startTime, endTime) {
jt_audioFiles = null;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
url = url + '#t' + startTime.toString() + ',' + endTime.toString();
jt_audioPlaybackRate = 1.0;
function jt_playSlowAudioFileSegment(url, startTime, endTime) {
jt_audioFiles = null;
jt_audioFileIndex = 0;
url = url + '#t' + startTime.toString() + ',' + endTime.toString();
jt_audioPlaybackRate = 0.5;
function jt_stopAudio() {
if (jt_audioControl != null)
function jt_volumeSliderChanged() {
if (jt_volumeSlider == null) {
jt_volumeSlider = document.getElementById('volumeSlider');
if (jt_volumeSlider == null)
var value = jt_volumeSlider.value;
if (jt_audioControl != null)
jt_audioControl.volume = value / 10;
url: "/Common/SetUserOptionAjax?key=AudioVolume&value=" + value.toString(),
type: "POST"
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