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platform-tools\aapt.exe directory missing in android SDK

I'm trying to get 'hello world' working on the Android SDK with Eclipse. I'm following this tutorial step by step:


but i'm returned the error "Error executing aapt. Please check aapt is present at C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\aapt.exe"

For some reason, the "platform-tools" folder does not exist under my installation. In its place I find "platforms" and "tools". Presumably, my SDK version is different to that used in the tutorial.

I can't work out what i need to change or update. Can someone please point me in the correct direction?

Thank you

like image 724
Ajax Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 08:04


People also ask

Where is AAPT located Android SDK?

aapt stands for Android Asset Packaging Tool and is included in the tools/ directory of the SDK. This tool allows you to view, create, and update Zip-compatible archives (zip, jar, apk). It can also compile resources into binary assets.

How do I fix SDK tools folder is missing?

Quick fix: Go to the Tools –> SDK manager –> SDK tools. Deselect Hide obsolete packages option on the right bottom and further install Android SDK Tools(obsolete). A new folder named Tools is now generated in the SDK directory.

Where does Android SDK install platform tools?

Install the SDK Click Tools > SDK Manager. In the SDK Platforms tab, select Android 12. In the SDK Tools tab, select Android SDK Build-Tools 31. Click OK to install the SDK.

1 Answers

Totally agree with izzy, but other times (usually on 64 bit OS machines or with multiple android platforms) when you install the latest SDK version the folder platform-tools had missing the "appt.exe".

To solve this you need to search on *android-sdk\build-tools* folder and subfolders like \build-tools\17.0.0 in my case, and you will find aapt.exe, other necesary files and lib folder, just copy it everything to android-sdk\platform-tools and it will be done.

like image 79
Ulises Ponce Mendoza Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Ulises Ponce Mendoza