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Plane fitting to 4 (or more) XYZ points

I have 4 points, which are very near to be at the one plane - it is the 1,4-Dihydropyridine cycle.

I need to calculate distance from C3 and N1 to the plane, which is made of C1-C2-C4-C5. Calculating distance is OK, but fitting plane is quite difficult to me.

1,4-DHP cycle:

1,4-DHP cycle

1,4-DHP cycle, another view:

1,4-DHP cycle, another view

from array import *
from numpy import *
from scipy import *

# coordinates (XYZ) of C1, C2, C4 and C5
x = [0.274791784, -1.001679346, -1.851320839, 0.365840754]
y = [-1.155674199, -1.215133985, 0.053119249, 1.162878076]
z = [1.216239624, 0.764265677, 0.956099579, 1.198231236]

# plane equation Ax + By + Cz = D
# non-fitted plane
abcd = [0.506645455682, -0.185724560275, -1.43998120646, 1.37626378129]

# creating distance variable
distance =  zeros(4, float)

# calculating distance from point to plane
for i in range(4):
    distance[i] = (x[i]*abcd[0]+y[i]*abcd[1]+z[i]*abcd[2]+abcd[3])/sqrt(abcd[0]**2 + abcd[1]**2 + abcd[2]**2)
print distance

# calculating squares
squares = distance**2

print squares

How to make sum(squares) minimized? I have tried least squares, but it is too had for me.

like image 371
XuMuK Avatar asked Sep 06 '12 11:09


People also ask

How many points does it take to fit a plane?

For every three points A, B, C not situated on the same line there exists a plane α that contains all of them. The fifth axiom of incidence states: For every three points A, B, C which do not lie in the same line, there exists no more than one plane that contains them all.

How do you find the equation of a plane with 3 points?

Finding the equation of a plane through 3 points in space Given points P, Q, R in space, find the equation of the plane through the 3 points. Adding the equations gives 5b = 2d, or b = (2/5)d, then solving for c = b = (2/5)d and then a = d - b - c = (1/5)d.

2 Answers

That sounds about right, but you should replace the nonlinear optimization with an SVD. The following creates the moment of inertia tensor, M, and then SVD's it to get the normal to the plane. This should be a close approximation to the least-squares fit and be much faster and more predictable. It returns the point-cloud center and the normal.

def planeFit(points):
    p, n = planeFit(points)

    Given an array, points, of shape (d,...)
    representing points in d-dimensional space,
    fit an d-dimensional plane to the points.
    Return a point, p, on the plane (the point-cloud centroid),
    and the normal, n.
    import numpy as np
    from numpy.linalg import svd
    points = np.reshape(points, (np.shape(points)[0], -1)) # Collapse trialing dimensions
    assert points.shape[0] <= points.shape[1], "There are only {} points in {} dimensions.".format(points.shape[1], points.shape[0])
    ctr = points.mean(axis=1)
    x = points - ctr[:,np.newaxis]
    M = np.dot(x, x.T) # Could also use np.cov(x) here.
    return ctr, svd(M)[0][:,-1]

For example: Construct a 2D cloud at (10, 100) that is thin in the x direction and 100 times bigger in the y direction:

>>> pts = np.diag((.1, 10)).dot(randn(2,1000)) + np.reshape((10, 100),(2,-1))

The fit plane is very nearly at (10, 100) with a normal very nearly along the x axis.

>>> planeFit(pts)

    (array([ 10.00382471,  99.48404676]),
     array([  9.99999881e-01,   4.88824145e-04]))
like image 104
Ben Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11


Least squares should fit a plane easily. The equation for a plane is: ax + by + c = z. So set up matrices like this with all your data:

    x_0   y_0   1  
A = x_1   y_1   1  
    x_n   y_n   1  


x = b  


B = z_1   

In other words: Ax = B. Now solve for x which are your coefficients. But since you have more than 3 points, the system is over-determined so you need to use the left pseudo inverse. So the answer is:

b = (A^T A)^-1 A^T B

And here is some simple Python code with an example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np


# create random data
xs = [np.random.uniform(2*EXTENTS)-EXTENTS for i in range(N_POINTS)]
ys = [np.random.uniform(2*EXTENTS)-EXTENTS for i in range(N_POINTS)]
zs = []
for i in range(N_POINTS):
    zs.append(xs[i]*TARGET_X_SLOPE + \
              ys[i]*TARGET_y_SLOPE + \
              TARGET_OFFSET + np.random.normal(scale=NOISE))

# plot raw data
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, color='b')

# do fit
tmp_A = []
tmp_b = []
for i in range(len(xs)):
    tmp_A.append([xs[i], ys[i], 1])
b = np.matrix(tmp_b).T
A = np.matrix(tmp_A)
fit = (A.T * A).I * A.T * b
errors = b - A * fit
residual = np.linalg.norm(errors)

print("solution: %f x + %f y + %f = z" % (fit[0], fit[1], fit[2]))
print("residual: {}".format(residual))

# plot plane
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xlim[0], xlim[1]),
                  np.arange(ylim[0], ylim[1]))
Z = np.zeros(X.shape)
for r in range(X.shape[0]):
    for c in range(X.shape[1]):
        Z[r,c] = fit[0] * X[r,c] + fit[1] * Y[r,c] + fit[2]
ax.plot_wireframe(X,Y,Z, color='k')


The solution for your points:

0.143509 x + 0.057196 y + 1.129595 = z

plane fit

like image 35
Ben Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11
