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Placeholder background/image while waiting for full image to load?



I have a few images on my page. I'm finding that the page starts to render before the images have been loading (which is good), but that the visual effect is not great. Initially the user sees this:

 --------hr--------  text 

Then a few milliseconds later the page jumps to show this:

--------hr-------- [           ] [   image   ] [           ] text 

Is there a simple way that I can show a grey background image of exactly the width and height that the image will occupy, until the image itself loads?

The complicating factor is that I don't know the height and width of the images in advance: they are responsive, and just set to width: 100% of the containing div. This is the HTML/CSS:

<div class="thumbnail"> <img src="myimage.jpeg" /> <div class="caption">caption</div> </div> img { width: 100% }  

Here's a JSFiddle to illustrate the basic problem: http://jsfiddle.net/X8rTB/3/

I've looked into things like LazyLoad, but I can't help feeling there must be a simpler, non-JS answer. Or is the fact that I don't know the height of the image in advance an insurmountable problem? I do know the aspect ratio of the images.

like image 718
Richard Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 10:02


People also ask

Can you lazy load background images?

Browser-level lazy-loading does not apply to CSS background images, so you need to consider other methods if you have background images to lazy-load. Unlike <img> elements which load regardless of their visibility, image loading behavior in CSS is done with more speculation.

Why does my background image not cover the whole page?

Try setting your header to height: 100% . Alternatively (the better solution), set the background on the body if you want it to cover the whole page.

Can you put an image as a placeholder in HTML?

To place an image in an HTML document, all you have to do is mention the width and height in the URL of Unsplash It and then use that as the src value of your image element.

What is image lazy loading?

What is Image Lazy Loading? Lazy Loading Images is a set of techniques in web and application development that defer the loading of images on a page to a later point in time - when those images are actually needed, instead of loading them up front.

2 Answers

Instead of referencing the image directly, stick it within a DIV, like the following:

<div class="placeholder">     <div class="myimage" style="background-image: url({somedynamicimageurl})"><img /></div> </div> 

Then in your CSS:

.placeholder {     width: 300;     height: 300;     background-repeat: no-repeat;     background-size: contain;     background-image: url('my_placeholder.png'); } 
like image 58
Neil Myatt Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

Neil Myatt

Keep in mind - the previous answers that recommend using a div background approach will change the semantic of your image by turning it from an img into a div background. This will result in things like no indexing of these images by a search crawler, delay in loading of these images by the browser (unless you explicitly preload them), etc.

A solution to this issue (while not using the div background approach) is to have a wrapper div to your image and add padding-top to it based on the aspect ratio of the image that you need to know in advance. The below code will work for an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1 (height is 50% of width).

<div style="width:100%;height:0; padding-top:50%;position:relative;">   <img  src="<imgUrl>" style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%;"> </div> 

Of course - the major disadvantage of this approach is that you need to know the aspect ratio of the image in advance.

like image 28
Punit S Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 14:10

Punit S