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Place Picker Deprecated


I received an email today regarding the Google Place Picker.

"The Place Picker is deprecated as of January 29, 2019. This feature will be turned off on July 29, 2019, and will no longer be available after that date. You must install the compatibility library to continue using the Place Picker during the deprecation period. Once the deprecation period has ended, the Place Picker will no longer be available for use (including the version in the compatibility library)."

They just mentioned that it will no longer work eventually but they did not specify the replacement to it. So what will developers now use to enable our users to pick places?

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Zandro Zulueta Avatar asked Jan 30 '19 05:01

Zandro Zulueta

People also ask

Why picker is deprecated?

They deprecated the PlacePicker because of the Places API new billing model.

What is location picker?

The Location Picker allows people to easily find a location and save the longitude and latitude to a form text input. The main starting point will usually be for a user to search for an address using the input field and search button which is automatically added.

Which class displays a dialog that allows a user to pick a place using an interactive map?

The Place Picker UI is a dialog that allows a user to pick a Place using an interactive map.

2 Answers

So I made a free version of Place Picker. It's not as feature rich but is free. It uses geocoder to fetch the address and coordinates of a place. Will be adding more features like optional Autocomplete Widget (Its not free though) in the next few days. Check it put here:


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Sucho Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10


My original answer with 15 upvotes was deleted without reason... I'm reposting it here..

As my app heavily depends on the Place Picker, I decided to create a new one based on Google's Place Picker.


Take a look at the key difference here

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Rafael Chagas Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10

Rafael Chagas