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pkgdown R package build_site function causes dependent packages unable to be loaded

I am using pkgdown package to generate the elegant and static manual page for R package (called RTCGA). When I run the code to produce the static documentation as website I use following commands

> pkgdown::build_site()
Initialising site -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copying '/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/pkgdown/assets/jquery.sticky-kit.min.js'
Copying '/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/pkgdown/assets/link.svg'
Copying '/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/pkgdown/assets/pkgdown.css'
Copying '/home/mkosinski/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.3/pkgdown/assets/pkgdown.js'
Building home -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Writing '/home/mkosinski/GitHub/RTCGA/docs/index.html'
Building function reference ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loading RTCGA
Welcome to the RTCGA (version: 1.5.1).
trying URL 'http://gdac.broadinstitute.org/runs/stddata__2015_11_01/data/ACC/20151101/gdac.broadinstitute.org_ACC.Merge_mirnaseq__illuminahiseq_mirnaseq__bcgsc_ca__Level_3__miR_gene_expression__data.Level_3.2015110100.0.0.tar.gz'
Content type 'unknown' length 309876 bytes (302 KB)
downloaded 302 KB

Warning: Topics missing from index: RTCGA-package, theme_RTCGA
Building articles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Building article 'RTCGA_Workflow.html'
Building article 'Web_Applications.html'

This code is evaluated in the root of RTCGA package project and gives information that RTCGA was loaded and the documentation was created.

But I have found a bug in the documentation in most pages - there is an error telling

Error: package ‘RTCGA’ required by ‘RTCGA.rnaseq’ could not be found

enter image description here

So none of examples can be run. Moreover when I run library(RTCGA.rnaseq) after I used build_site I can not load dependent RTCGA package anymore

> library(RTCGA)
> library(RTCGA.rnaseq)
Error: package RTCGA required by RTCGA.rnaseq could not be found

When I run library(RTCGA.rnaseq) in the new session without calling the pkgdown::build_site the dependent RTCGA package loads normally with no warnings.

I suspect that this is caused by any settings that build_site performs but I have no idea on how to resolve them and how to build proper static documentation with the usage of pkgdown package.

Any comments?

like image 906
Marcin Kosiński Avatar asked Apr 26 '16 20:04

Marcin Kosiński

1 Answers

It looks like I have found a nasty work-around. RTCGA software package uses 8 data packages in its examples. Each data package required RTCGA to be loaded. pkgdown::build_site() uses devtools::load_all() which weirdly loads only objects from RTCGA but does not allow to load this package during examples run.

I have removed RTCGA from Depends of the data packages by changing those packages meta-informations like

packages_to_remove_RTCGA_from_Depends <- 

sapply(packages_to_remove_RTCGA_from_Depends, function(data_package){
  Meta <- readRDS(file.path(.libPaths()[1], data_package, "Meta", "package.rds"))
  Meta$Depends <- list()
  saveRDS(Meta, file.path(.libPaths()[1], data_package, "Meta", "package.rds"))
like image 169
Marcin Kosiński Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10

Marcin Kosiński