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pjsip iOS handling ip change during call

I want to handle ip change form wifi to 4g and back during an ongoing call using pjsip on ios.
I have followed all the steps form pjsip website: https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/IPAddressChange and here I have found that the call is disconnected after the pjsua_acc_set_registration(the_acc_id, PJ_FALSE); is sent. Also I don't figure it out how to send the re registration at point 4.

"And finally, once unregistration in 2b) above is complete, re-register (with TCP)."

Any advice, suggestion, link to any resource that will hell me solve the issue is well come.

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Alex Terente Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 08:10

Alex Terente

1 Answers

The most simple and reliable way is described in your reference:

The most straightforward solution is of course to restart everything, which means in pjsua terms to call pjsua_destroy() and followed by pjsua_create(), pjsua_init(), and so on.

To detect 4G/WiFi changes, you should use Apple Reachability API, great wrappers are AFNetworkReachabilityManager and Reachability by Tony Million. I used this approach in my own project and it worked flawlessly.

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Maxim Pavlov Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Maxim Pavlov