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Pixels to PDF coordinates?

How can I find PDF element coordinates using html? I've built a html page that shows a pdf (iframe) and I want to use the mouse-position to find x,y coordinates on the pdf? is that possible?

Here is my current procedure:

  1. Converting an existing PDF file into PNG using ImageMagic while specifying a density of 300 DPI.

  2. Displaying the PNG as a background image while giving the user an option to create rectangles on that image [new divs]

  3. Saving each div's coordinates [top/left] to the database

  4. Creating a PDF while using the original PDF as a template using FPDI and TCPDF and applying these coordinates to the PDF, but they are positioned badly and not directly on the PDF.

I know that my saved positions are in pixels while the PDF library uses millimeters but even when I do the conversion the rectangles are positioned badly.

like image 495
Broshi Avatar asked Jan 11 '18 14:01


People also ask

What is coordinate of PDF?

The coordinate system on a PDF page is called User Space. This is a flat 2- dimensional space, just like a piece of paper. And in fact that's a good way to think about it. The units of User Space are called "points" and there are 72 points/inch.

How do I know the position of a PDF?

Try running "Preflight..." in Acrobat and choosing PDF Analysis -> List page objects, grouped by type of object . If you locate the text objects within the results list, you will notice there is a position value (in points) within the Text Properties -> * Font section.

How should I interpret the coordinates of a rectangle in PDF?

I have drawn a Rectangle and indicates where you can find the lower-left corner (with coordinate (llx, lly) ) and the upper-right corner (with coordinate (urx, ury) ). The sides of the rectangle are always in parallel with the X and the Y axis, hence you only need two coordinates to define the rectangle.

1 Answers

Assuming you can use the pdfinfo tool available on *nix systems, you can determine the size of the PDF file in points

$ pdfinfo a.pdf
Creator:        Writer
Producer:       LibreOffice 5.1
CreationDate:   Tue Jan 23 19:45:15 2018
Tagged:         no
UserProperties: no
Suspects:       no
Form:           none
JavaScript:     no
Pages:          1
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      595 x 842 pts (A4)
Page rot:       0
File size:      36740 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.4

A PDF of size WxH would render to (W * 300 / 72)px x (H * 300 / 72)px at 300DPI. So the example above renders to 2479px x 3508px PNG at 300DPI. Remember: The pixels are rounded to the nearest integer if the calculation results in decimals A single pixel here and there should not affect your final output anyway.

As to where the 72 comes from, go through: https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/5859/all-pdfs-appear-to-be-72-dpi-no-matter-what

Finding the mouse position relative to the iframe should be an easy task. I am not answering that part because the question is only for the conversion.

like image 128
gargsms Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
