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Piping Email with Postfix

I'm trying to set up a pipe for a specific email address. I'm following what I see here, but after newaliases I get the following:

postalias: warning: /etc/postfix/aliases, line 1: name must be local

My /etc/postfix/aliases:

pipe@example.com: "| /usr/bin/php -q /home/path/to/file/pipe.php"

When I try sending an email it returns deliverable. What am I doing wrong?

like image 983
Steve Robbins Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 16:07

Steve Robbins

1 Answers

From the Postfix aliases(5) man page:

  o    An alias definition has the form
            name: value1, value2, ...

The name is a local address (no domain part). Use double quotes when the name contains any special characters such as whitespace, #',:', or `@'. The name is folded to lowercase, in order to make database lookups case insensitive.

To forward email for arbitrary domain addresses, read about virtual(5) instead.

like image 190
ghoti Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
