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pipenv: only works in a installed folder?

Pipenv seems to work only in the directory where the Pipfile lives. Maybe I'm trying to use it in a way it is not designed for.

For example, I installed a tool called "leo" (an editor) and no surprise that I will go to many folders and start pipenv run Leo and it will start to install another virtual environment. What's the workaround?

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Jeremy Chen Avatar asked May 06 '18 23:05

Jeremy Chen

People also ask

What is the difference between PIP install and Pipenv install?

While pip can install Python packages, Pipenv is recommended as it's a higher-level tool that simplifies dependency management for common use cases. This does a user installation to prevent breaking any system-wide packages.

Where is Pipenv installed?

pipenv stores all the virtual environments it creates in one place, which is a hidden directory in your home directory by default.

Which is better Pipenv or VENV?

TL;DR. pipenv creates isolated pip environments whereas pyenv+virtualenv creates virtualenvs that multiple projects can use.

Is VENV the same as Pipenv?

pipenv. pipenv- like venv - can be used to create virtual envelopes but additionally rolls-in package management and vulnerability checking functionality. Instead of using requirements. txt , pipenv delivers package management via Pipfile.

2 Answers

You can run pew from any directory:

# install pew using pip (not pipenv)
$ pip install pew

# get venv name
$ (cd <folder with Pipfile> && pipenv --venv)
<some path>/python-1234ABCD

# activate venv
$ pew workon python-1234ABCD

# run pipenv as usual
$ pipenv run leo

As far as I understand it, you can only execute commands like running a text editor with pipenv if you are currently already running a virtual environment with pipenv. If not, it will make a new virtual env in the current directory and then run the command in it.

The result of pipenv --help says, for the run command:

run Spawns a command installed into the virtualenv.

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userzxcv Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09


At the directory where Pipfile resides, do

pipenv --venv

This will show the path where the virtual env is located. Copy that path, such as /Users/yourname/.local/share/virtualenvs/yourproject-8XhejQjj, and at any other folder you can activate the venv with source, e.g.:

source /Users/yourname/.local/share/virtualenvs/yourproject-8XhejQjj/bin/activate

This is covered by Ken Reitz's 2018 PyData talk.

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ji.xu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
