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PIP3 | WARNING: Could not generate requirement for distribution -ertifi 2019.11.28

I recently uninstalled all pip3 the pip3 packages installed in my local system.

Now, whenever I type pip3 freeze, this warning pops up:

WARNING: Could not generate requirement for distribution -ertifi 2019.11.28 
(/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages): Parse error at "'-ertifi='": Expected W:(abcd...)

How do I get rid of this warning.

I tried doing brew reinstall python3 as this would reinstall python3 along with pip3 but it doesn't seem to work.

Please help me figure this out.

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Ferran Avatar asked Jan 01 '20 12:01


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2 Answers

I got into similar problem after I have upgraded my pip under windows from version 20.1.1 to version 20.2.3

It turned out that old version of pip was renaming folders that it could not delete, replacing first letter with tilda ~

The new version of pip counts this tilda as hyphen - I don't know why

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Konstantin Popov Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Konstantin Popov

So I was getting that same error but for a different package:

WARNING: Could not generate requirement for distribution -niso8601 8.0.0 (...) venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages): Parse error at "'-niso860'": Expected W:(abcd...)

It turned out to be a missing letter in my first package! I needed to have "aniso8601==7.0.0" I literally did a freeze from a different venv that had that same package I needed, copied and pasted into the requirements.txt in the new project's folder. The requirements.txt file in the new project then installed successfully.

TL;DR: My requirements.txt file had a typo.

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Eric Milliot-Martinez Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Eric Milliot-Martinez