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PHPUnit and WebDriver - How to get the current URL?

Scenario: I open www.google.com, input some keywords and click the search button. now i get to the result page. I want to get the current url of this result page, including the query parameters.

I found a method getBrowserUrl() here phpunit-selenium on github. Line 410

But this method returned the value which I set in the setUp function.

public function setUp(){

public function testGoogleSearch(){
//input some keywords
//click search button
//want to get the url of result page
$resultUrl= $this->getBrowserUrl();
echo $resultUrl;

I got a string 'http://www.google.com/' instead of the whole url of result page. Please help me,thanks!

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CobraBJ Avatar asked Feb 20 '14 08:02


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Get Current URL Command In WebDriver, this method fetches the string representing the Current URL of the current web page. It accepts nothing as parameter and returns a String value.

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location='url' which can help you to achieve this. String url = "https://www.google.com"; String script = "window. location = \'"+url+"\'"; System. setProperty("webdriver.

4 Answers

The answer is:

$currentURL = $this->url();

I also asked this question here

Thanks to @jaruzafa

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CobraBJ Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10


From the source code, I'd say it's getCurrentURL()


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MauricioOtta Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10


You can also use


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Vidz Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10


This is how I'll get the current URL

$resultUrl = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->getCurrentUrl();
echo $resultUrl;


$resultUrl = $this->getSession()->getCurrentUrl();
echo $resultUrl;

Both are from Behat - Mink

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Adrian Antohe Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Adrian Antohe