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PhpStorm hides only node_modules for every project

I tried updating, I tried removing .idea folders from the projects. I even deleted my whole settings folder from users/User in Windows. Last one helped, but I had to import my old settings, there is just far too much changed for me to redo everything, problem reappeared.

While indexing, PhpStorm shows the node_modules folder. Right after it finishes, the folder disappears. I have no scopes set up, I have not excluded the folder.

I followed this issue PhpStorm hides directories in Project window and it didn't help.

If I setup node_modules as a source folder from the Directories settings, and then choose "Project Files" from the Project View, then and only then I can see it in the sidenav... This is driving me nuts...

like image 765
Dobromir Hristov Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 16:07

Dobromir Hristov

People also ask

Should I git ignore node_modules?

You should not include folder node_modules in your . gitignore file (or rather you should include folder node_modules in your source deployed to Heroku). If folder node_modules: exists then npm install will use those vendored libraries and will rebuild any binary dependencies with npm rebuild .

Can I copy node_modules folder to another project?

Yes you can copy whole node_modules (have done it multiple times) from one project to another and use same package. json and package-lock (Will only save time in dependencies installation/download)

Do I need to include node_modules in production?

Answer for Do I need Node_modules in production React? No, You don't need to push your node_modules folder to production whether it is a static export or dynamic build. When you export a static build the source file is converted into HTML & js files. So there is no need for node modules on production env.

What is node_modules .bin folder?

The directory node_modules/.bin is where the binaries of the modules used by your project are stored, normally using symbolic links to the respective binaries in the corresponding module's directory.

1 Answers

I disabled "Vue for Idea" plugin and node_modules reappeared. I feel so stupid right now.... Thanks to Alexandre Martini in the comments. He gave me a hunch.

like image 143
Dobromir Hristov Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

Dobromir Hristov