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PHPstorm freezes very often



I have PHPStorm, but when I'm writing native function (for example str_poss, return, parent...) it very often freeze for about 10 seconds. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. But it happen to me on Windows7 and on Ubuntu also. Has anyone same trouble? Thanks.

like image 772
John Avatar asked Oct 23 '14 09:10


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PHPStorm 2020.3 very slow Follow. I have what is probably a pretty non-standard installation, but it's worked well enough for me in the past. Since the update to 2020.3, it's been painfully slow to do basically everything.

Why is PhpStorm good?

PhpStorm helps you get around your code more efficiently and save time when working with large projects. Jump to a method, function or variable definition in just one click, or search for its usages.

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PhpStorm supports all the features of WebStorm but some are not bundled so you might need to install the corresponding plugin for some framework via Settings > Plugins > Install JetBrains Plugin.

1 Answers

PHPStorm used to "lag" for me before quite often too... but I managed to fix it in the following ways (It did take a bit of tweaking/experimenting though to get it to work! But now it is blazing fast once again!)

Here is what I did to optimize it: 1) If you are on Linux - Make sure you are using Oracle Java on your system, not Open JDK From: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/23455956-Selecting-the-JDK-version-the-IDE-will-run-under it says: On windows: "JDK is bundled with all the product installers and it's recommended that you will use the provided JDK version unless there are any specific issues.

32-bit JDK is located in IDE_HOME\jre directory and is used by the 32-bit product executable.

To run the IDE in 64-bit mode you will need to download and install 64-bit JDK (not JRE) distribution and install it yourself. IDE will find and use it from the registry when you run the 64-bit .exe file (available only for IntelliJ IDEA right now, other products can use the .bat file to run in 64-bit mode)."

2) Disable any plugins you do not ABSOLUTELY NEED! Especially any 3rd party plugins you may have installed**

GBC from PhpStorm 7 very slow and sluggish on netbook, optimize IDE for responsiveness? also had some insties:

3) Disable language injections: File -> Settings -> Language injections. un-check as many boxes as you're comfortable with. HTML was the real killer for me.

4) Disable inspections: File -> Settings -> Inspections. uncheck as many as you don't need.

I hope this helps!

like image 158
Paul Preibisch Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Paul Preibisch